Yuki, a student, has never witnessed one of the giant monsters that constantly threaten her city and are always discussed in the news. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters th...
175How does Santa Claus travel the whole world in one night? In this musical adventure, set against the backdrop of the Northern Lights, Scout Elf Newsey Noel investigates the mystery of Santa's once-a-y...
4.06 257The second film in the six-part Girls and Panzer: Saishuushou film series. ...
7.04 288Idol groups ST☆RISH, QUARTET NIGHT, and HE★VENS take to the stage in this feature-length animated concert. The three groups sing, dance, and welcome cheering fans to the Maji Love Kingdom....
7.12 7.34 216It is the year 2661 CE. Bashin Dan turned into the catalyst that prevented the Earth from self-resetting ten years ago. Barone and Clackey host a meeting on the anniversary of this sacrifice to honor ...
6.77 596A cartoon series following the life of a nine-year-old girl and her talking cat, as they take on the daily problems that they have and tackle them in humorous ways....
7.10 7.20 13During a summer break, Ruka encounters two boys, Umi and Sora, whose lives are filled with mysterious and enchanting secrets. Attracted to their mesmerizing swimming, which seems more like gliding thr...
6.50 6.40 115In Deadly Response, the following 30 years are described. Artificial intelligence, or "robots," are widely used in human culture. Both in the East and the West, people create islands just for robots f...
6.23 591"Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!" follows the story of a high school girl named Hoshino Miyako, who develops a strong admiration and adoration for her sister's friend, Hoshikawa Hana. With Hana's arriv...
7.28 332