The plot centers on Iruma Suzuki, a 14-year-old human kid whose lazy, self-centered, and careless parents sell him to a demon. Iruma is brought to the Demon World by the demon known as Sullivan, who f...

7.70 7.75 486

In 2016, the Mage King Solomon destroyed the foundations of humanity. 2015 was predicted to be the year of humankind's destruction by Chaldea, a covert wizards organization with the goal of safeguardi...

7.30 7.94 550

In 2016, the Mage King Solomon destroyed the foundations of humanity. 2015 was predicted to be the year of humankind's demise by Chaldea, a covert wizards organization with the goal of safeguarding th...

7.20 7.94 558

Raki Kiseki is a second-year middle school student who transfers to Star Harmony Academy to become an idol. However, when she uses an Aikatsu Pass she received from her elder sister Saya, an Aikatsu e...

7.02 584

Following in the footsteps of her father, the renowned researcher Allen, Rikka Isurugi has spent her whole life learning the art of the ninja alongside her grandfather Hyoe. While Allen intends to bui...

6.10 6.71 534

Odin sent Valkyries, famous female warriors from Asgard, the home of the gods, to defend Earth from the demon threat. Nine valkyries posing as the Saotome sisters will have to level up by engaging in ...

5.20 5.90 456

The girls' cover as ordinary schoolgirls is often put to the test as they must balance their spy missions with their everyday lives, including school, family, and friends. They rely on their individua...

8.10 403

Earth became uninhabitable in the 21st century, and people began migrating in large numbers to Planet Zi, which is the natural habitat of metallic life forms known as Zoids. Zi is nearing its end many...

5.90 491

All Mizuki Hijiri wanted when she transferred to a new school was to go about her normal school life, but that did not work out once she encountered the Hero Club. All of its members are boys who suff...

5.80 6.77 578

Tragically, Peta, the older sister of brilliant inventor Null, is killed in an accident. To cope with her sadness, Null creates "Peta Robo," a robot that shares her sister's traits. The robot is a lit...

6.10 6.40 489

Amatsuyu "Jouro" Kisaragi, a second-year high school student who is utterly mediocre, goes on two dates in one weekend: the first is is with Sakura "Cosmos" Akino, the president of the student council...

7.10 7.32 477

The narrative centers on Urano Motosu, a future librarian and book lover who perishes during an earthquake at her home after being buried beneath a stack of books. She hopes with her last breath to be...

7.90 8.01 518