A quiet high school student named Miki Takekasa, who likes to keep to herself. She meets Aya Takayashiki, a recent transfer student, after school one day, and she persuades her to embark on an adventu...
6.60 6.70 557In spite of their youth, Tsukasa Mikogami, Ringo Hoshi, Shinobu Sarutobi, Keine Kanzaki, Aoi Ichij, Prince Akatsuki, and Masato Sanada are extraordinarily talented high school students who are at the ...
6.20 6.39 802Seven high school students who are well-known throughout the world for their extraordinary talents are the focus of the television series. They include Tsukasa Mikogami, the prime minister, as well as...
6.20 6.36 659Aya, is a girl who just moved to town. She is a high school student. Miki is her only classmate at the time and she is a really shy student as well. One day, they follow the comitte president Midori a...
6.60 6.70 605No matter the subject, Urano Motosu is a bookworm who cannot get enough of reading. Before an accident ends her life, she is just a few steps away from fulfilling her dream of becoming a librarian. Sh...
7.90 8.10 644The task of summoning a human hero to save Gaeabrande from a Demon Lord is given to Ristarte, a novice goddess. Gaeabrande, an S-class world, is very dangerous, thus Ristarte takes care to choose a he...
7.40 7.50 661Famous professional wrestler Genz Shibata, sometimes known as Animal Mask, is well-known in the sport. He is unexpectedly whisked into a fantasy realm by a princess the night before the world champion...
6.60 6.62 487Famous professional wrestler Genz Shibata, sometimes known as Animal Mask, is well-known in the sport. He is unexpectedly whisked into a fantasy realm by a princess the night before the world champion...
6.60 6.62 514To his mother, Sora Kurumatani said, "I will win my first high school tournament." But as soon as he enrolls in Kuzury High School and joins the basketball team, he learns that it has turned into a ha...
7.00 7.28 467A common adage goes, "You can never be too careful." Even if it seems like a pointless waste of time, it is crucial to be ready for every circumstance you may encounter. Additionally, in games like ro...
7.40 7.49 488