This animated series, loosely based on the film franchise, follows Daniel, Mr. Miyagi, and their new friend Taki as they embark on a global adventure to find an ancient Japanese talisman. Along the wa...

7.10 6.30 116

John was a committed leader of Camp Candy, a summer camp he likely founded, where he worked to help the kids bond and get along. Several episodes revolved around John as he faced challenges, including...

6.90 7.80 121

The series' protagonist Kevin Keene, a teenager from Northridge, Los Angeles, California, and his dog Duke are transported to a different realm called Videoland at the beginning of the first episode w...

6.30 329

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time manga is adapted from the beloved Nintendo 64 game, following the young hero Link as he explores the vast world of Hyrule in search of the Spiritual Stones. Along ...

8.00 7.10 109

Jecy is a young guy seeking retribution after his parents were murdered by the Bismark House, an organized crime group out to get a commodity called "lyzorium" at whatever cost. Jecy, a girl named Tia...

6.02 570

Based on the popular video game, Super Mario Bros., The Super Mario Bros. Super Show follows Mario, his brother Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and her advisor Toad as they journey across various lands to ...

7.90 6.10 114

"Angel Cop" is a six-part original video animation (OVA) series produced in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Set in the near future, the story takes place in Japan, which has become a prosperous indepe...

6.60 5.95 652

The Yomota family, which consists of a boy named Inumaru, his father Kinekuni, and his mother Tamiko, is a tiny, typical family at the center of the narrative. One day, "Maroko Yomota," the granddaugh...

7.90 7.24 495

Seita and Setsuko, two young Japanese siblings, are living through the waning days of World War II. When an American firebombing separates them from their parents, the siblings must rely solely on eac...

8.05 254

Angels from the planet Eden have been observing the behavior of people who live on Earth, whom they refer to as "Earthians," ever since the beginning of Earth's recorded history. Chihaya and Kagetsuya...

6.10 6.06 293

The Babylon Project, a massive renovation of Tokyo's neighborhoods, involves creating artificial islands in the Bay. With the help of Labors, robots designed for work, architects and construction crew...

7.21 7.55 323

Formerly a respected high school known for its martial arts program, Hakuo Academy. Hakuo was prepared to decline, but Seishikan, a rival institution, had been cowardly wooing its top pupils. Himeko H...

7.30 6.26 543