In *Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack*, set in Universal Century 0093, Char Aznable has taken the helm of Neo Zeon, determined to reshape humanity's future. Believing that true peace can only b...

7.43 7.67 313

Akagi Gunma is a young, impetuous and rash teenager who decides to move to the big city to fulfill his dream of racing a Formula One car. The story follows how this simple farmer boy from the country ...

7.50 6.72 481

Takashi Kamiyama is your normal nice, reserved, and pacifistic high school student. He has an IQ that is just a little bit above average. But would the typical high school student actually apply to th...

7.70 7.38 507

Meet the six Osomatsu guys, who share the same appearance, speech pattern, mannerisms, and attire. They simply serve to accentuate the town's hyper-eccentric citizens, who readily transgress any limit...

7.90 6.69 483

Ceddie relocates to England as the heir of his grandfather, the Earl of Dorincourt, following the tragic death of his father. The Earl is an obstinate and self-centered old man. But over time, the ...

7.70 7.32 493

People with supernatural abilities compete with one another on a distant world. according to a tale by Yamano Kouichi. ...

7.50 6.29 529

A new generation of leaders, including the idealistic military genius Reinhard von Lohengramm and the reserved historian Yang Wenli of the Free Planets Alliance, usher in an end to the 150-year stando...

9.10 9.03 582

When the two were joined up under the codename "Lovely Angels," Kei and Yuri were initially junior auxiliary agents in the Worlds Works and Welfare Agency (W.W.W.A. or 3WA for short). In addition to t...

7.00 7.11 511

Many of the Muppets are being driven by Fozzie Bear to Emily's farm for Christmas as they all sing "We Need a Little Christmas" together. Unbeknownst to Fozzie, Emily Bear is getting ready to spend th...

8.10 403

Rex (Johnny Counterfit), a learned Tyrannosaurus rex, and Herb (Tim Conner), a dim-witted, bespectacled Styracosaurus with a gluttonous appetite, co-host the special. The two had both appeared in Will...

8.10 404

On Christmas Eve, Jon tells Garfield that they are leaving for the country to spend the holiday with his family on their farm. Garfield finds it annoying that they consistently visit the farm but neve...

8.00 569

This is an episode list for the animated TV series **Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles**, which debuted in 1987. A total of 193 episodes were broadcast from 1987 to 1996. The first three seasons aired in s...

6.50 6.40 115