Kayoko is a young girl starting first grade in 1940, known for being a bit of a crybaby. She enjoys playing with friends, singing schoolyard chants, and spending time with her three older brothers. As...

7.59 7.71 303

The cartoon follows a plot similar to the films The Toxic Avenger and its sequels. Melvin, a complete nerd, falls into toxic waste and transforms into Toxie, a deformed mutant with superhuman size and...

7.90 7.30 114

A young man discovers that he is a prince tasked with a vital mission to save his world. To accomplish this, he must embark on an adventurous quest to locate 13 magical treasures of rule. As he journe...

8.00 7.60 108

Following the catastrophe at the conclusion of Shin Getter Robo, Ryoma has retired to the countryside and Hayato Jin has taken over as the new director of the Saotome Research Institute. Since most ma...

7.40 6.16 490

This Young Magazine manga adaption from 1985 features girls, gangs, and vehicles, thanks to Lullaby for Wednesday's Cinderella writer Michiharu Kusunoki. Local punks rob cars, switch the license plate...

6.37 513

Prince Justin, a human prince from a country on the shore, is the love of Marina's life. Following a giant cyclops' chase and a three-headed sea serpent's attack on a shipwreck, Marina saves Justin fr...

6.70 6.24 502

This is the tale of Maria, who leaves her life in a convent to take on the duty of caring for Captain Trapp's children, and is based on the same event that gave rise to the beloved musical "The Sound ...

7.63 7.80 478

Chitose Fujinomiya, a 14-year-old girl who was once extremely wealthy but is now an orphan, is expelled from her ultra-exclusive school, Tokai no Gakuen (City's Academy in English), and shunned by her...

7.80 7.29 483

Two years ago, a mysterious wind swept over the Earth without warning, taking everyone's memories with it. Not knowing their names or even how to speak, cars crashed, planes dropped from the sky, and ...

6.05 239

The 34th Precinct of New York City is home to Japanese-American police officer Daizaburo "Eddie" Ban. On his first day, he is partnered with John Estes, a police officer who uses his own brand of ruth...

6.70 6.31 489

The series follows Rem Ayanokoji, a young private detective who is not like any other detectives. She has the ability to enter other people's dreams. In the dream world, she becomes a Dream Hunter, fi...

6.60 6.34 417

Chibi Maruko chan, a playfully mischievous 9-year-old girl, is known for her charmingly annoying antics. She often outsmarts her grandfather, spends hours pondering how to allocate her allowance, and ...

7.30 7.20 126