For centuries, five supernatural factions have been engaged in a conflict, anticipating the arrival of the Aquarian Age. Kyouta starts experiencing visions of mystical girls fighting, unaware that the...
7.21 6.06 169The plot revolves around high school student and band vocalist Kamikurata Kyouta and how he discovers a secret war being fought by mythical girls with supernatural abilities. Later, Kyouta teams up w...
6.00 6.08 547Nana's grandfather has spent his entire life attempting to crystallize the beauty of a rainbow after being charmed by it as a child and seeing a rainbow for the first time. He ultimately finds a means...
7.30 6.81 462The main characters of Please Teacher! are a close-knit group of high school pals who deal with a number of life-altering situations that are never too far off from intimate connections. Kei Kusanagi,...
6.90 7.12 391The protagonist of the tale is the humorous superhero Kinnikuman, true name Suguru Kinniku, who learns that he is the missing prince of the planet Kinniku (known for producing the greatest superheroes...
7.40 6.90 450The Butt-Ugly Martians (B.U.M.) are compelled to invade planets for the wicked Emperor Bog in the first episode of the series, but when they are assigned to Earth, they grow addicted to American cultu...
3.30 424The series centers on Sousuke Sagara, a member of the secretive private military group Mithril, which is tasked with defending Kaname Chidori, a courageous Japanese high school student. With the help ...
7.60 7.62 513High school student Takaya Ougi's only goals in life are to safeguard his best friend Yuzuru Narita and lead a regular existence. That is, until fierce and charming Nobutsuna Naoe reveals to Takaya th...
7.40 6.51 528"Beyblade V-Force" is the second season of the original "Beyblade" anime series. Following the conclusion of the World Beyblading Championships, the season continues the story of Tyson Granger and his...
5.40 6.69 614Princess Dejiko discovers she "needs" to assist people all around the world while reading a book. Dejiko wants to leave the castle with Puchiko by her side, but her instructor stops her because it is ...
7.30 6.71 467When Jane's mother passes away before she is born, her wealthy English aristocracy father quickly remarries a lady who has a son named William, who hates both his new father and sibling. Growing up, G...
8.50 7.54 514