Haruka Tsuchiya is a straightforward college student who owns a pet named Okojo-san. Actually, Okojo-san was brought to a pet shop to be sold after being born in a mountain in the North. Okojo-san dev...
6.52 519The animated series "Looney Tunes Cartoons" premiered in 2001 and aired on The WB network. Set in the early 20th century, the series features characters and storylines inspired by the classic Looney T...
7.00 7.60 90Tetsuya battles alongside Kouji in the 2002 OVA Mazinkaiser against Doctor Hell's army. Physically, the OVA version of Great Mazinger is the same as the original, save for the absence of blue coloring...
7.70 7.32 419Terra Nova is a fictional planet located 4,000 Earth Standard Years in the future. Once a flourishing colony of the United Earth Government, Terra Nova was abandoned due to an economic collapse. In th...
5.30 140Lucky Luke is the legendary cowboy known for shooting faster than his own shadow. Accompanied by his clever horse, Jolly Jumper, who is renowned as the world's smartest horse, and occasionally joined ...
7.70 7.70 116Fourteen-year-old Penny Proud is growing up! She's trying to gain her independence and faces typical teenage experiences in junior high. With the help of her parents, Trudy and Oscar, and her grandma,...
7.60 6.10 116*Sitting Ducks* centers on the adventures of Bill, a duck, and Aldo, an alligator, as they navigate their unusual friendship and the challenges of their world....
7.90 6.70 111Cassy, Verne & Gus are three gifted students who go to an enchanted school where they learn about magic and how to use it. One day they receive a strange talking book in the mail. The book says hi...
6.60 7.70 105A team of sprite-like power engineers is tasked with maintaining and protecting lamp post H032, a crucial part of the entire Lighting Network. Below them, the Roons, who inhabit the sewers, pose a thr...
7.00 7.80 120When a crime occurs in fairy tale land, you call the F.T.P.D. (Fairy Tale Police Department). The series features two top detectives, Kris Anderson and Johnny Legend, who solve cases involving beloved...
6.70 7.60 105The chaotic exploits of a group of superheroes who rely more on brawn than brains. ...
6.80 6.80 118The story of a pair of non-identical twin brothers, Lucien and Wayne, who live with their hygiene-crazed mother and their western/country-crazed father in a small town called Soap City. Lucien is a de...
7.80 6.80 108