¡Mucha Lucha! was an animated television series. It premiered on Kids' WB on August 17, 2002. It was created by Eddie Mort and Lili Chin and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It is the first animat...

6.00 7.20 114

There once was a writer by the name of Drosselmeyer who had the ability to bring his novels to life. However, he passed away before he could complete his last story, The Prince and the Raven, leaving ...

8.10 8.12 611

High school student Haru Yoshioka feels bored with her everyday life until she saves Prince Lune of the Cat Kingdom from being hit by a truck. As a thank-you, the Cat King sends her "presents" and inv...

7.56 7.72 169

In the retro-1980's future, robots have become commonplace. Mechanical butlers, electronic plumbers and robo-bartenders are part of everyday life, but Robot Jones is a different kind of machine altoge...

7.50 7.40 116

Tadahiro Amatsu has had brown and light hazel eyes alternately since he was a little child. But the masked sorcerer Ayatara Miramune and his gang of demons have turned him into a target because of a s...

6.30 6.11 474

In spite of his parents' objections, Kazuto Tokino decides on his own to run his grandfather's bathhouse in a world where aliens are widespread. Kazuto, however, lacks many of the abilities necessary ...

6.60 6.72 485

Oozora Reiji isn't a sluggish boy; he's simply unmotivated; all of the groups and activities he's joined don't hold his interest for long. That is, of course, until his best friend Yukino invites him ...

7.10 6.70 566

Mao Onigawara is a happy 8-year-old grade-schooler and the granddaughter of Chief of Staff of Ground Defense Force. Equipped with her cloverleaf-shaped badge which enables her to transform (but gives ...

6.80 6.32 571

Witches are individuals with special powers like ESP, telekinesis, mind control, etc. (not the typical hogwart and newt potions). Robin, a 15-year-old craft user, arrives from Italy to Japan to work f...

6.30 7.30 118

Robin Sena is a skilled craftsperson who was accepted into the STNJ, a team of trained hunters who take on dangerous creatures known as Witches. Despite having enormous firepower, she still has a lot ...

7.20 7.25 526

The story opens with Shuji, a high school student in a seaside Hokkaid city, strolling up to an observatory and daydreaming about Chise; there, he discovers her exchange diaries that she purposely lef...

7.00 7.15 244

This manga, which is set in Tokugawa Japan, follows Shiina Yuya as she goes on the hunt for her brother's killer. But soon after meeting Mibu Kyoshiro, a medicine salesman, Yuya discovers that he is a...

6.70 6.90 488