In "CJ In The DJ," 13-year-old CJ, along with her friends Lesley and Si, embarks on a journey to become professional DJs. Despite their passion and talent, they face challenges in their small town, wh...

6.20 376

After saving Japan from destruction, Akira Takizawa made one last request to be the "King of Japan" before erasing his memories and vanishing. He left Saki Morimi with his cellphone, containing the on...

7.12 7.54 262

Picking up from where the TV series left off, Saki Morimi is back in the United States, trying to find Akira Takizawa. Meanwhile, other Selecao begin to truly play the game, some taking dangerous meas...

6.08 355

Vice President Chiga-kun finds himself drawn to the student council president's might and power despite his efforts to keep the president out of danger. Chiga-kun is perplexed as to how he, a person o...

6.40 6.94 487

This film serves as the first part of a retelling of the original *Macross Frontier* series, intertwining familiar elements with new storylines. As the celebrated singer Sheryl Nome arrives in the Fro...

7.45 7.78 233

When the Ed Boys' latest plan goes awry and leads to the ruin of the Cul-De-Sac, the children turn against them. Now, the Eds have no choice but to seek out the one person who may be able to save them...

8.01 357

The relationship between a group of highly skilled Orbital Drop Shock Troopers and their Spartan partner seems to be the main focus of this specific Halo Legends clip. Contrary to what you may expect ...

6.50 7.00 474

Miserly businessman Ebenezer Scrooge declines his nephew Fred's invitation to the traditional Christmas dinner party on Christmas Eve 1843 in London, and he also declines to give money to the needy. S...

6.80 687

An alien species attempts to take over earth, but the X-Men are ready for anything. The original Astonishing X-Men was a four-issue limited series that replaced Uncanny X-Men during the 1995 alternat...

7.20 386

Condensed versions of Gundam 00's first and second seasons with new animated scenes and some speech that has been partially re-recorded. ...

7.30 7.55 439

This is the story of Mr. Fox (George Clooney) and his wild ways of hen heckling, turkey taking, and cider sipping, nocturnal, instinctive adventures. He has to put his wild days behind him and do what...

7.09 232