"You're Being Summoned, Azazel" is a hilarious and supernatural comedy anime that follows the misadventures of Akutabe, a detective who specializes in dealing with supernatural entities, and Azazel, a...

7.57 369

The Ricky Gervais Show began as a comedy audio program in the UK featuring Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, and Karl Pilkington. It was later turned into an animated TV series, which premiered on HBO ...

7.40 7.50 118

There is a Heart Flower inside each person, and it is connected to the enormous Heart Tree that keeps an eye on everyone. The HeartCatch Pretty Cures guard this tree in opposition to the Desert Apostl...

8.60 7.82 509

On a cold December day, Kyon arrives at school prepared for another outing with his fellow SOS Brigade members. However, much to his surprise, he discovers that almost everything has changed completel...

7.55 8.60 292

Shichika Yasuri practices Kyotouryuu, a sword-fighting method that involves using one's own body as a weapon, in an Edo-era Japan that is rich in different sword-fighting techniques. Shichika, the mys...

7.80 8.32 523

Team Umizoomi is an American 2010 Nick Jr. and Nickelodeon TV show, involving preschool math concepts. Milli, Geo, Bot and the child who is watching the show uses their 'Mighty Math Powers!' to help i...

7.10 6.20 120

In a futuristic setting, Daigo, a daring teenager, races through the wilderness on his super cycle, accompanied by his robotic pet black panther. They arrive at Victor Town, an ideal city amidst the d...

7.80 6.60 111

Megumi "Nodame" Noda has advanced significantly as a pianist at the Conservatoire de Paris, while Shinichi Chiaki, chief conductor of the resurrected Roux-Marlet Orchestra, is swiftly establishing him...

8.24 496

Along with her pals, the reserved Koume and the quirky Hiiragi, Anzu attends a kindergarten. They work together to get Tsuchida, their nanny, to notice them. He is obviously more drawn to the attracti...

7.10 7.28 535

Tomo Yamanobe's father, the former headmaster of Saint Mikhailov Academy, vanished and left only an artwork known as the "icon" behind. The academy's female pupils were allegedly being attacked by a s...

5.50 6.36 484

Reinya poses as a typical young woman working at a convenience shop, but in reality, she is the Phantom Thief Reinya. In their underground refuge below the neighborhood convenience store, Reinya and h...

4.70 5.62 544