The story of Adventure Time centers on a young kid named Finn the Human (Jeremy Shada), who has magical abilities to change his size at will, and his best friend and adopted brother Jake the Dog (John...
8.60 1206There is a problem in the Fairytale World. Its princesses and their individual realms are dissipating, having an impact on the human world where their tales are well-known. In order to find three girl...
7.00 550The premier football division in Japan has seen East Tokyo United, or ETU, struggle for a while. They have sacrificed everything to keep from being demoted. Even worse, the team's supporters are begin...
7.70 7.54 525Chizuru Yukimura has traveled to Kyoto in search of her absent father, a doctor. She sees an argument between an Oni and the Shinsengumi while she is there. The Shinsengumi debates what to do with Chi...
7.30 7.38 575The two enemies must become quick friends as they are sent into a world tournament together, where they will face intriguing and formidable opponents. A new adversary challenges Ginga for the title of...
6.91 557Angels battle for their destiny and fate in a realm after death. The Shinda Sekai Sensen's commander, Yuri, protests against the god who doomed her to have an absurd existence. On the other hand, Ten...
7.60 8.08 583Three Sovereigns descended on the realm of Militia in the distant past. The Three Sovereigns allegedly utilized their powers to impose order on the realm. One transformed into the Sun, illuminating th...
8.70 6.26 504Akuto Sai is the protagonist of this tale of "love, magic, and conflicts." He aspires to join his nation's highest order of magicians and serve the community as one of its clergy. His aptitude test in...
6.60 6.77 587In the animated series Doodlebops, favorites Deedee, Rooney, and Moe Doodle tackle problems relatable to preschoolers. The show helps children face situations and solve problems using courage and logi...
7.20 7.80 118Akuto Sai is the protagonist of this tale of "love, magic, and wars." He aspires to join his nation's highest order of magicians and serve the community as one of its clergy. His aptitude test indicat...
6.60 6.76 638Animals with the innate capacity to perform magic, known as Jewelpets, coexisted peacefully in Jewel Land with Magicians studying at the Magic Academy to master the art of using their Jewel Eyes. Ruby...
8.80 7.42 591