a variation of Lucky Star The story revolves around the miserable daily lives that big sister Hinata Miyakawa and little sister Hikage Miyakawa lead at home due to Hinata's wasteful tendencies, as wel...
6.00 6.52 575Then, on vacation in the remote Unova Region, Ash, his mother Delia, and Professor Oak meet and travel with Cilan, the Striaton City Gym Leader, Pokémon Connoisseur, and would-be Dragon Master Iris. ...
7.50 6.27 641The Aegis Destroyer is conducting public exercises in Maizuru Bay when a suspicious foreign ship is spotted. Conan and his friends attend the event but discover a crew member's severed arm. Conan susp...
8.42 7.67 252Follow the adventures of Arty and his sidekick Epiphany, as they search the galaxy to solve creative problems with art! ...
6.90 7.40 112Set in a whimsical land where a small blue fox named Fig plays each day and discovers adventure, friendship and love around every bend in the path. Children will be enriched by these narratives that p...
8.00 7.00 114The film commences with an interview featuring a body crab named Buster, residing on a bikini-clad woman. Buster notices Man (Tommy Chong) passing by and leaps onto his beard. Man swiftly removes him ...
4.70 4.50 158The series revolves around the daily life of Henry Hugglemonster and his slightly chaotic but loving family, living in the suburban town of Roarsville. Everyone in Roarsville is a friendly, fun-loving...
6.00 6.50 95The largest pervert in school, Yto Yokodera, is a second-year high school student. His inability to express his true emotions is his problem. One day, his equally perverse best friend has a total tran...
6.80 7.18 533Ichirou Satou is an ordinary high school student who pretended that he was a hero by the name of "Maryuuin Kouga" back in middle school, which led to others frequently bullying him. Now that he has le...
6.55 7.31 266Humanity has successfully colonized space in the 71st year of the True Era and has begun to live in free-standing galactic settlements. The Atlantic Rim United States (ARUS) and the Dorssia Military P...
6.60 7.14 549