Chima is a land where anthropomorphic humanoids lived in peace with one another until heavily armed barbarian species caused a civil war with five factions formed: Lion, Eagle, Raven, Wolf, and Crocod...
6.80 7.90 108The protagonist of the novel is Ribbon-chan, an English-challenged young woman who contracts with Toner, a self-described familiar, to become a magical girl. She wants to be a super heroine who can si...
5.29 484Zak, Cloe, Kiet and Fenzy are four unpopular guys from Earth who are not talented in sports. One day they find bracelets that have the power to transport them to another dimension. There they know Tä...
6.40 7.90 101Ever After High is a boarding school located in the Fairy Tale World. It is attended by the teenage children of fairy tale characters, destined to follow in their parents' footsteps and keep their sto...
7.90 6.20 109Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles set in the prequel Star Wars era, The Yoda Chronicles features the one and only Yoda -- the Jedi Master who has taught generations of Jedi Knights. With help from a...
7.30 7.50 120The Avengers' newest member is a man named Falcon. As he battles evil and defends the world with his allies, Falcon serves as the viewer's primary eyes and ears. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk,...
7.00 336The show follows the antics of the title characters, a human boy named Sanjay and his best friend, a talking snake named Craig. On a promotional webpage for the show, the network explains that Sanjay ...
7.90 7.90 119Inazuma Japan is declared as the winner of the Youth Soccer World Championship, Football Frontier International Vision 2 (FFIV2). However, players who had never been seen before were chosen to represe...
6.80 6.63 589During their trip to Bali for the prince's coronation, Chhota Bheem and his companions discover that the state has fallen under the control of the malevolent witch Rangda. Determined to rescue Bali, h...
5.90 5.80 137