Two Abominable Snowkids wind up in a tranquil Colorado mountain town after being pursued out of their hideout by a scientist desperate to capture them, despite repeated warnings about humans from thei...
5.20 308A fantasy-action-adventure series which follows the adventures of Peter Pan, his best friend Tinkerbell, Wendy, her brothers John and Michael, and their dog Newfie in Neverland and beyond. The series...
6.00 6.70 122Kyousuke Ishihara is a typical Tokyo high school student. His younger sister, Namika, recently returned home after ten years in Osaka. Kyousuke and his sister bond over their differences and the chall...
4.80 5.76 682Kindaichi is once again solving a mystery. ...
7.60 6.99 470A vast group of people are cruelly burned alive in blue flames while a boy looks on with cold eyes, as seen by Sakura Sakurakouji. She returns the following day due of her unyielding sense of justice....
6.70 6.71 487Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha decide that they have earned a vacation after countless years of toil and come down from the skies to rent a tiny flat in Tokyo, Japan. The two enjoy the amenities of c...
7.20 7.48 463A girl named Haru Asagi works as a maid for the Miyanomori family, which is led by one of Japan's most powerful magnates, during the Taish era (1912–1926) in Japan. However, the family patriarch une...
6.80 6.37 543Sofia the first follows the story of an ordinary young girl who becomes a princess when her mother marries the King of Enchancia. She must learn how to act like a proper princess while overcoming her ...
8.00 6.30 139In *Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo*, fourteen years after the devastating events of the Third Impact, the world has transformed into a desolate wasteland. Shinji Ikari, still trapped within Evange...
7.32 7.64 32314 years have passed since the near third impact. Most of the world has changed except Shinji Ikari who awakens, unaged in a new and strange environment. Misato has formed a group that is separate fro...
6.09 261The publicity mascots of Niigata city, Komachi Hanano and Dangorou Sasa, look for the mystery stone that fell from the sky and was stolen. ...
5.12 514