The spirited Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto, is a skilled ninja who possesses the same brashness and passion his father once had. However, the constant absence of his father, who is busy...
7.77 7.39 306The show follows the three bear siblings, Grizzly, Panda and Ice Bear, and their awkward attempts at integrating with the human world in the San Francisco Bay Area....
6.30 6.80 118The adventures of a band of space warriors who work to protect the universe from the evil overlord Thanos....
6.00 6.40 132Based on the Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! manga by Hiroshi Hiroyama, itself a spin-off of the Fate/stay night erotic visual novel by Type-Moon....
6.00 7.20 710"Chu Feng: B.E.E" (also known as "Hinabachi: BEE") is a Chinese anime series that aired in 2015. The series is set in the year 2025 when Earth is attacked by unknown creatures called the BUG. In respo...
5.87 503The Muppets make their comeback to prime-time television with a modern, documentary-style series. This show offers a unique glimpse into the Muppets' personal lives and relationships, showcasing their...
7.20 6.70 114Pig Goat Banana Cricket follows the titular quartet, a group of friends and roommates, as they embark on surreal journeys on their own, which are then interwoven together. Pig (voiced by Matt L. Jones...
7.50 6.70 132A mysterious meteor that fell from the sky at the beginning of time spread throughout the globe. It fell to the Eastern Continent in part. People gathered around the meteor in search of information a...
6.93 450Makura no Danshi lulls the audience to sleep by whispering pleasant melodies into their ears. A different boy who will listen to the audience and hold them when they need it is featured in each little...
3.80 4.47 513Japan will soon possess powerful digital and picture technology. "FORMULA VENUS" is a brand-new form of entertainment that has people excited. Known by the abbreviation "F-V," it is a live competition...
5.30 526