PJ Masks is based on French author Romuald Racioppo’s imaginative and striking picture book series ‘Les Pyjamasques’ . PJ Masks follows the thrilling night time exploits of three young friend...

7.90 6.10 103

The show follows the exploits of Dazzle Novak, an idiotic detective who commits more crimes than the criminals he tries to lock up. With the glamorous, tyrannical, chief Pizzaz Miller barking orders a...

6.60 7.80 109

High school student Umaru Doma resides with her older brother Taihei. Umaru presents as the model student at school, earning top marks and possessing a variety of skills. To Taihei's dismay, she chang...

7.00 7.01 512

Caroline, yearning for a life filled with excitement, finally gets her wish. While living with her healer Granny and mischievous cat Mus, Caroline discovers a magical formula in her granny's potion co...

3.90 3.70 234

Yui Komori, the main character, is a typical adolescent girl in high school until her father, a priest, had to leave abroad for work. Yui is consequently transferred to a different town, where she tra...

6.30 5.54 537

**Nina's World** is an animated children's series that follows the adventures of a young girl named **Nina** as she navigates her everyday life with curiosity and excitement. ### **Summary:** The...

6.80 16

It is about two unlikely friends – an emotional pickle and a freewheeling peanut. The series utilizes a mix of 2-D animation and live-action clips to tell the story of two underdogs who dream up pla...

7.10 7.90 121

"MILPOM" is a unique mixed-media series that combines stop-motion animation with CGI. The series first aired in 2015 and is produced by the Japanese company Bandai Namco Pictures. "MILPOM" tells th...

4.96 437

A young surfer gathers his friends to prevent a wealthy man from altering history in order to monopolize Helium 3, a clean energy source for the future. ...

5.80 5.50 185

With the Inter-high completed and summer coming to a close, Sakamichi trains hard alongside Imaizumi Shunsuke and Naruko Shoukichi to uphold Team Sohoku's spirit of mutual support, as entrusted to him...

7.29 7.56 210

Vixen is based on the DC Character Mari McCabe / Vixen, a costumed superhero crime-fighter with the power to mimic the abilities of any animal that has ever lived on Earth. The series is set in the sa...

7.00 7.90 87

Follows the magical adventures of fraternal twin genies, Shimmer and Shine, who unintentionally create chaos while attempting to grant wishes for their human best friend, Leah....

7.00 6.40 118