Six identical siblings, self-centered leader Osomatsu, manly Karamatsu, voice of reason Choromatsu, cynical Ichimatsu, hyperactive Juushimatsu, and endearing Todomatsu, make up the majority of the Mat...
7.60 7.95 503High school student Yhei Hamaji is viewed negatively since the females don't like him. He is persuaded to join the school's water polo team by perverted upperclassman Nakajima on the grounds that they...
4.40 5.13 511The setting of the novel includes Butei, also known as buso tantei, a national certification created to combat global crime trends that are only becoming worse. The Butei holders are qualified to use ...
5.60 6.20 532An almost typical family comprising a housewife, her husband, and their two children, Yuusuke and Mikan, engage in outrageous misadventures. Crazy humor about the daily activities of this odd househol...
7.60 7.26 490The Matsuno brothers, Osomatsu, Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu, who are all identical sextuplets and like to cause trouble, were the focus of the original Osomatsu-kun se...
7.50 7.96 465There are special students known as Butei in the Hidan no Aria AA universe who are permitted to carry weapons, look into crimes, and resolve various problems. Aria Kanzaki, a second-year S-rank studen...
5.60 6.21 556Strong monsters and villains wreak havoc on a supercontinent version of Earth with four Moons. The Hero Association, founded by wealthy Agoni, uses superheroes to battle evil. Unrelated hero Saitama i...
8.70 8.51 675The Scooby-Doo gang decides to take a trip in the Mystery Machine in search of excitement and thrills during what may be their final summer holiday together. However, trouble-making monsters seem to b...
6.60 427"Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen" is an anime series that combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and political intrigue. It serves as a sequel to the original "Utawarerumono" visual novel and anime...
6.40 7.26 408Giftium, a highly sought-after crystalline substance, is hidden deep within the planet of Gift. Sougo Amagi, a young boy on Gift, got his fascination with Giftium from his mother, a researcher. Sougo ...
5.20 5.84 509Jirou Hitoyoshi is charged with secretly listening in on a conversation between a senior government scientist and an industrial spy on a bright July day in the 41st year of the Shinka Era. The spy eve...
6.30 6.67 533