Noddy, Toyland Detective is an animated series that follows the adventures of Noddy, a small wooden boy living in the magical Toyland. As a detective, Noddy is always ready to solve the various myster...
5.90 6.40 21The "Choujou Kagaku Kirikiri Basara" occult summary blog, which is operated by 17-year-old second-year high school student Yuuta Gamon, connects nine eccentric characters in the novel. A series of sma...
6.40 6.90 401In the year 2311 AD, the Earth Sphere Federation is in charge of a world that was formerly torn apart by intercontinental conflict (ESF). The A-Laws, a military task group created by the ESF, were tas...
5.84 483Souta Tawara travels back to his hometown of Kagawa to escape the bustle of Tokyo. Even though his parents are deceased, his former residence and the family-run udon restaurant serve as constant remin...
7.50 7.75 376Seirin High School faces a tough opponent, Yousen High School, in the Winter Cup quarterfinals. Yousen's strong defense is led by Atsushi Murasakibara, a former teammate of Kuroko's, and Tatsuya Himur...
7.65 7.75 293Ami Kurata, a first-year university student, immediately depletes her account and purchases the collapsible bicycle after falling in love with it at first sight outside the station. She now does weeke...
7.10 6.68 486Suzuko Homura, who had to relocate owing to family obligations, goes back to her birthplace filled with fond memories of the happy youth she spent there with Chinatsu Morikawa. Those times were perman...
5.80 6.67 519Kanae Otowa has been in her family's ancestral home, Otowakan, ever since her father spent the last of the family fortune and left town. With no way to pay off her father's debts, Otowakan is being fo...
6.80 6.42 418Shinkawa, a city bordering Tokyo's Sumida River, serves as the setting for the town where the main character Rei Kiriyama resides. The residence of the Kawamoto family is located in Tsukuda, which is ...
8.30 8.39 504Fujoshi (female otaku) Kae Serinuma enjoys reading yaoi and envisioning males in romantic relationships, both imagined and actual. Kae is so shocked when one of her favorite anime characters is killed...
6.50 7.00 473