Haruki Bandou, a bashful first-year university student, decides to stop practicing judo after sustaining a shoulder injury because, despite his family owning a dojo, he is unable to find fulfillment i...
6.70 6.68 522Ryo Sakaguchi is a fudanshi heterosexual boy who is secretly infatuated with the BL subgenre of novels, which centers on the romance between two guys. Even though he finds it difficult to comprehend w...
6.30 6.52 526The stories follow the lighthearted and carefree daily lives of the band members from Plasmagica and ShinganCrimsonZ. ...
7.80 7.20 100Middle school student Seigi, who has training in martial arts, frequently feels compelled to defend those who are weaker than him. He once defended a homeless man from some punks, and in appreciation,...
5.40 5.75 480Haruki Bandou, a quiet first-year university student, decides to stop practicing judo after sustaining a shoulder injury because, despite his family owning a dojo, he is unable to find fulfillment in ...
6.70 6.68 528Allen Walker formally joins the group of exorcists towards the end of the 19th century that fights against the Akuma, mechanical creatures created by the Millennium Earl from the tormented souls of th...
7.40 7.71 545A kitty girl wearing gothic lolita clothing named Cyan is scouted by Maple Arisugawa, the president of a music agency. From there, she meets Chuchu (a pun off of the sound that rabbits make) the honor...
6.80 6.45 467In the fantasy setting of the story, there are people, Dragonoids, and Monsters. The three races coexist with some harmony. Additionally, there are Drops, spherical things that emerge from the globe a...
7.30 6.50 448Psychic talents may appear to be a blessing to the normal person, but for Kusuo Saiki, the opposite is true. He considers his wide range of supernatural gifts—which include everything from telepathy...
8.40 8.43 485