Captain Atomic, a superhero from Mega City, is dealt a blow when his displeased sidekick Mookie, also known as Sergeant Subatomic, turns him into a live sock puppet as he shakes hands with 12-year-old...
5.10 422Leon, the current Golden Knight "GARO," dedicates himself to training a young Makai Knight alongside Prince Alfonso of the Valiante Kingdom. They receive a mission to eliminate the most beautiful Horr...
7.37 7.54 236The series follows Rose, a teenage girl from Earth who discovers a key that transports her to FairyTale Land, where fairy tales come to life. She arrives at Regal Academy, a school where students are ...
6.00 7.70 118The story revolves around the unconventional friendship between a lazy and selfish house cat and an excitable, naive alien who wears a homemade purple cat suit. The cat, initially uninterested in anyt...
6.10 6.60 116Kei, a high school student, discovers he has immortality. However, his newfound ability is not seen as a blessing but as a threat. Both the public and governments consider him a rare specimen to be st...
7.14 7.22 214Lincoln Loud is the only boy and the middle child in a bustling household of eleven siblings living in the fictional town of Royal Woods, Michigan. He navigates life with his ten sisters, each possess...
7.10 6.10 123Evil spirits are drawn to Requiem Street in order to be destroyed there. Requiem Street is a place where spirits and humans coexist; not all humans are permitted entry. Only users of rare souls who ha...
8.10 7.55 542Before getting involved in a horrible occurrence in a small village while visiting his grandfather's tomb, Chou Soran was a typical college student. Soran is attacked by zombies while he visits his de...
6.05 514After a traumatic experience at a regional middle school concert band competition, euphonist Kumiko Oumae decides to leave music behind as she enters high school, seeking a fresh start. However, she s...
7.23 7.57 239Natsuki Enomoto, a third-year student at Sakuragaoka High School, harbors unrequited feelings for her childhood friend, Yuu Setoguchi. Unable to be honest about her emotions, Natsuki tells Yuu she is ...
6.50 245