The year 2117, Tokyo. Yoshio Kobayashi, a young detective, is motivated to contribute to the defense of tranquil existence against unknown dangers, particularly those posed by covert, enigmatic crimin...
5.20 769In an era of rapid industrial growth, humanity faces a crisis with the emergence of a mysterious virus that transforms people into mindless creatures known as "Kabane." These undead beings, driven by ...
7.34 7.55 301It is the year 2015, the final era over which magic still held sway. Caldea is an organization established to observe the magical world and the world of science - as well as to prevent the final extin...
5.07 318The only settlement left in a ruined world is the faraway town of Hinomori. It is frequently assaulted by "beasts of sin" called Zaiju, but the legendary Heart Princesses are in charge of keeping it w...
5.98 403Young Dongguo Xiaojie has lived with her mother since she was a young child. The year she turned sixteen, her mother's "Grave Illness" struck out of nowhere. Dongguo Xiaojie embarked on a perilous tre...
5.84 532Seoul was rebuilt after the dimensions monsters invaders were driven back. The tale of Closers in New Seoul is presented here. A global invasion of dimensional monsters was unleashed as mysterious di...
6.27 575Kunugigaoka Magic School's class 3-E is given a special assignment one day: assassinate their homeroom teacher, the Demon King Koro-sensei. The class looks for the three most formidable warriors, Karm...
6.60 7.04 720In the alternate universe set in an RPG world, the students of Kunugigaoka Junior High School are heroes under training and students of Class 3-E are those with bugs, making them weaker than other her...
6.60 7.04 494Luna Petunia is a vibrant animated series designed for preschoolers, created by Saban Brands and Cirque du Soleil Média. The show follows the adventures of a spirited young girl named Luna Petunia, w...
6.40 375The story will depict Joe Shimamura and the other cyborgs' struggle with the Bresudo, a group of people who possess superhuman powers and intellect, and have manipulated human history since ancient ti...
5.78 6.33 267The new animated series Pokémon Generations revisits each generation of the Pokémon video game series to shed new light on some timeless moments. From the earliest days in the Kanto region to the sp...
7.70 7.45 451