The story centers on Harley's efforts to establish herself as a capable villain in order to join the Legion of Doom. She begins by assembling her own team, which includes Sy Borgman, Poison Ivy, Clayf...
8.50 745After being accidentally recruited as a spy, 12-year-old Ejen Ali has now grown to embrace his role in secret agency Meta Advance Tactical Agency (MATA) to protect the futuristic city of Cyberaya from...
8.00 334In Cleopatra in Space, Cleopatra finds herself unexpectedly thrust 30,000 years into the future, landing on a planet reminiscent of ancient Egypt but populated by talking cats. As she navigates the ch...
6.70 373Set in the same universe as Medrano's prior work, "Hazbin Hotel", "Helluva Boss" revolves around the daily lives of the denizens of Hell. The series primarily focuses on Imp, a startup assassination b...
8.20 689Bong Gi once harbored ambitions to succeed in life. But all of that feels like a long time ago today. He has developed bad habits, lost his job, and is now utterly unlovable. In the actual world, peop...
7.50 6.33 887With the exception of her unique and occasionally unsettling abilities, Naoko Watanabe is a typical preteen girl in the comedy series, which is set in Japan. She transforms into Gauko, the fire-breath...
7.10 6.25 652With the exception of her unique and occasionally unsettling abilities, Naoko Watanabe is a typical preteen girl in the comedy series, which is set in Japan. She transforms into Gauko, the fire-breath...
7.00 6.26 530