The Emerald Department of Marukawa Publishing, a group of vibrant individuals, stands out even at their colleagues' wedding. Invited to provide entertainment, Masamune Takano, Ritsu Onodera, Yoshiyuki...
7.29 7.47 257The world’s top soccer player, Erico Platana, is transformed into a soccer ball by a crazed magician. To regain his human form, Erico must learn to set aside his ego and collaborate with Daniel Siss...
6.40 380In the not too distant future, a disease known as "Cagaster" emerged. It transforms people into insects. The story starts in 2125, 30 years after the sickness first appeared. It chronicles the exploit...
6.10 6.48 677In the not too distant future, a disease known as "Cagaster" emerged. It transforms people into insects. The story starts in 2125, 30 years after the sickness first appeared. It chronicles the exploit...
6.10 6.47 515Nodoka Hanadera, 13, and her family just relocated to Sukoyaka in an effort to give her a new beginning after living in the city. An adversarial gang known as the Byogens attacked the "Healing Garden"...
7.70 6.89 468Humanity has been at war with various monsters for an extended period, but people have grown accustomed to it. For those seeking adventure and rewards, there's a guild where anyone can accept quests a...
6.06 302Hinaria plays games every day while unemployed. She decides to hack the Beholder Group's systems one day in order to get some money, and while doing so, she discovers a meticulously guarded record of ...
7.90 5.92 519Yuuichi Aizawa last saw his aunt Akiko seven years ago, but he is finally back in the little northern town now that his parents have relocated there to further their professions. However, Yuuichi is n...
6.60 7.80 421Ace and Polly are just your ordinary pet birds by day and amazing superheroes, well, also by day! Join them as they go on epic adventures to save their city from the wackiest animal bad guys! ...
7.20 7.30 11Wang Ling is a cool-headed high school student with a carefree attitude. He appears to have a relatively weak spiritual force, but he is actually capable of instantly destroying the entire universe. H...
7.20 7.35 581In *Akanesasu Shoujo*, the vibrant atmosphere at Yokosuka Girls' Marine High School sets the stage for a thrilling interschool competitive festival, bringing together students from various all-girls m...
7.48 7.65 218Yuan Ding, an otaku, is taken to another realm while traveling to a conference. a magical and demonic fantasy setting. He makes the decision to work as a gardener where he learns about the fairy seed ...
6.54 490