The narrative centers on Ikuto Tsumura and Chiyuki Fujito, two young people who, in spite of their predicaments, both hope to succeed in the fashion industry. Chiyuki aspires to be a model and take pa...

6.80 7.59 569

Kenji, Asakura, and Oota are a disinterested group of school friends known for randomly attacking other delinquents. Growing weary of their usual fights, Kenji seeks excitement elsewhere and impulsive...

7.22 7.58 279

There is a strong consensus that science can explain the vast majority of cosmic events. But there are many facets of our existence that science cannot explain through mathematics and for which it has...

6.90 7.37 549

Chiyuki Fujito aspires to be a model and her aim is to participate in Paris Fashion Week, but she is too short to be considered for even the most basic modeling opportunities. Ikuto Tsumura is a low-i...

7.58 481

Third Street's animals are frequently observed getting into mischief. The curious cat, Tama Okamoto, frequently leaves his house, leading to his owner posting posters to hunt for him. However, he can ...

6.60 6.69 376

Humans are the outsiders in a world populated by demons, cyclopes, and other fantastical monsters. The human race was easily enraged and nearly exterminated itself in a battle. The few remaining peopl...

7.60 7.83 476

The prominent all-girls middle school Tokiwadai Middle School is competing as well now that the Daihasei Festival has started. Mikoto Misaka, the "Ace of Tokiwadai," is competing, but the other kids a...

7.50 8.18 515

After seeing a concert by the minor idol group ChamJam, which causes her to become fixated with one of its members, Maina Ichii, Eripiyo's initially routine existence is flipped upside down. Maina is ...

7.20 7.43 533

After seeing Maina Ichii, a member of the idol group ChamJam, perform at a nearby event and after receiving a flyer from her, Eripiyo falls in love with the shy and guarded rising star and resolves to...

7.30 7.43 511

Kamome Academy is well-known for its Seven Wonders and paranormal activity rumors. The Seventh and most well-known Wonder, "Hanako-san of the Toilet," is the ghost of a young woman who purportedly hau...

7.50 7.85 552

Makoto Shiranui, who aspires to be a magician, travels to Tokyo to study magic with his family friend and renowned illusionist Mamoru Hoshisato. When he gets to the instructor's residence, it turns ou...

6.00 5.38 528

The virtual reality MMORPG Infinite Dendrogram, which can precisely imitate players' five senses, is introduced in the year 2043. Reiji Mukudori reaches the world of Infinite Dendrogram almost two yea...

6.00 6.18 546