"Hoshiai no Sora" (English: "Stars Align") is a sports drama anime that focuses on the members of a struggling high school soft tennis club. The story follows Maki Katsuragi, a transfer student wit...

7.40 7.59 535

First year student Hina Tsurugi prefers to do indoor activities such as crafting. Having recently moved to a seaside town, she runs into an older schoolmate, Kuroiwa, who invites her to join the "Teib...

7.20 7.41 523

Kan Kysuke, a young high school student who at the start of the series has recently transferred into Jyoy Orange High School, is the protagonist of Hungry Heart: Wild Striker. Kan Seisuke, an accompli...

8.10 7.55 529

The Iron League: a place where teams of robots, under individual "owners", play various sports and duke it out in tournaments. Mach Windy is a member of Dark Prince, a team that doesn’t play fair an...

7.40 7.09 554

Tar-chan, a young man who was reared in the African savanna by the chimpanzee Etekichi, is the subject of the television series, which follows his exploits in defending his home, his wife Jane, and hi...

7.50 6.98 525

Freshman at a brand-new high school, Tachikawa Tetsuya aspires to be a great archer like his late grandfather Fudou. A fresh transfer student eventually enrolls in his class. To everyone's amazemen...

7.90 5.81 463

Ami Kurata, a first-year university student, immediately depletes her account and purchases the collapsible bicycle after falling in love with it at first sight outside the station. She now does weeke...

7.10 6.68 487

"Kakyuusei 2" is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Élf, which was later adapted into an anime series. The anime adaptation comes in two versions: "Kakyuusei 2: Hitomi no Naka no Shoujo-tachi...

5.80 523

A typical 17-year-old high school student is Fujiwara Naeka. or so we believed. She is actually one of only two living heirs to a wealthy businessman, and when she turns 18 in less than six months, sh...

6.30 7.00 535

Ryou Mizushima and his pals randomly decide to join the badminton club in junior high. Ryou dedicates all of his time to honing his badminton abilities as his love for the game grows and he strives to...

7.40 6.26 574

Keijo, the newest competitive sport in Japan, follows a straightforward set of rules: competitors must stand on circular platforms that float in a pool, known as "lands," with the objective being to k...

6.70 6.94 476

Kaname Okiura, a student at Prefectoral Umineko Shougyou High (also known as "Umishou"), joined the swimming club at his school in an effort to learn how to swim, but the group is full of weirdos and ...

6.90 7.13 524