Teppei Sakamoto, a farm boy and soccer enthusiast, is the main character of the novel. His sister instructs him thoroughly before urging him to join the Mizumoto High School Soccer team and pursue his...

5.89 563

Akagi Gunma is a young, impetuous and rash teenager who decides to move to the big city to fulfill his dream of racing a Formula One car. The story follows how this simple farmer boy from the country ...

7.50 6.72 485

The setting of Free is the Japanese village of Iwatobi, which is modeled by Iwami, Tottori. Haruka Nanase, a talented swimmer in high school, is the protagonist of the tale. He and his pals revive the...

7.30 7.61 528

The story of the franchise is set in a time more than ten years after futsal has become extremely popular all across the world. The protagonist Haru Yamato is motivated by a Japanese player named Toki...

6.50 5.48 472

"Future GPX Cyber Formula" is a Japanese anime television series that aired from 1991 to 1992. The series is a science-fiction sports drama that revolves around the world of Formula racing in the futu...

7.60 7.40 518

"Detective Conan," also known as "Case Closed," is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that has spawned a multitude of spin-offs, including movies, TV specials, and Original Video Animations (OV...

8.50 7.02 549

Pitcher Eijun Sawamura enrolls at a prestigious university alongside Kazuya Miyuki, a talented catcher. They labor diligently and tenaciously to win Japan's renowned Koushien titles alongside the rest...

8.20 8.11 585

Picking up the next year after the end of the fall tournament, Seidou High School baseball team battle it out with new and old faces as they begin their tournament run at Koshien. ...

8.20 8.26 577

Tomoki Sakai, a member of the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC), is the protagonist of the tale. Due to the MDC's financial difficulties, their sponsors are getting ready to halt their support. If the new coac...

5.80 6.09 479

Fujimaki Shun, a freshman in high school, aspires to win an Olympic gold medal in gymnastics. Despite having no prior experience, Shun follows his ambition, joins the gymnastics club, and sets out to ...

7.19 498

Hibiki Sakura, a second-year high school student, puts on weight as a result of her excessive appetite. She hesitantly considers joining the Silverman Gym after being made aware of this. Hibiki learns...

7.00 7.27 537

The premier football division in Japan has seen East Tokyo United, or ETU, struggle for a while. They have sacrificed everything to keep from being demoted. Even worse, the team's supporters are begin...

7.70 7.54 525