The series follows Roy and his soccer team as they strive to join the Dream League. As they face various athletic challenges, they build friendships and work together to become the best team in the le...

6.70 6.90 84

Baseball teams of birds play against other baseball teams of animals in the town of Mynaville....

6.20 6.70 117

Vaillante is a family-run French business which, in the beginning, was a transporting company. They also create their own trucks and cars and so decide to enter Formula Oneracing competition. In 1939,...

6.10 7.40 126

Tsukasa Akeuraji never intended to become an ice dancer when he entered the world of figure skating. However, due to starting his journey later than he had hoped, he found himself specializing in ice ...


In the year 202X, self-driving electric cars have become the norm in Japan, replacing those with internal combustion engines. However, a racing circuit called MFG continues to feature traditional inte...


High school student Minami Aoba feels unremarkable and fears she'll graduate as nothing more than "Villager A." In her quest to discover her unique talent, she stumbles upon a golf driving range, wher...


Taiki Inomata, a third-year student in junior high, attends Eimei Academy, an integrated school with a major sports program. Having joined the high school badminton team, Taiki tries to attend open pr...


It takes a lot to reach the top when it comes to tennis. No one knows that better than Ryouma Echizen, a young prodigy tennis player, and his teammates at the Seishun Academy. It was only because they...


In the futuristic NASCAR® Unlimited Series, advanced cars reach incredible speeds on the asphalt, leap with rocket boosters and take loops the size of a skyscraper without breaking a sweat. Team Fast...

6.20 6.40 22