The story of the anime, which takes place 23 years after Future Card Buddyfight X, is focused on Yuga Mikado, the son of Gao Mikado. Yuga is regarded as the "Ace of Gaming" due to his gaming prowess, ...

6.70 6.20 667

The fourth season of the Future Card series...

6.70 6.52 550

The fifth season of the Future Card series...

6.70 6.69 495

In a few hundred years, the Earth's natural resources will have been depleted, and human advancement will have stalled. Delivery kid Hajiki Sanada resides in Unit Blue, in the underdeveloped area of t...

7.30 6.67 480

"Galaxy Angel" is an anime series that is a mix of science fiction, comedy, and sometimes even absurdity. The series follows the misadventures of the Angel Brigade, an all-female branch of the Transba...

6.90 7.02 522

"Galaxy Angel 3" is the third season of the "Galaxy Angel" anime series. Like its predecessors, this season continues to follow the comedic misadventures of the Angel Brigade, a group of female soldie...

6.90 7.29 535

The human race advanced into space in the distant future and thrived there. However, the abrupt occurrence of Jikushin (a time and space earthquake) intercepted all networks and reset all civilization...

7.17 532

Yuna Kagurazaka won the interstellar Galaxy Fraulein contest to become the Guardian of the Light. After defeating several threats to galactic peace (As seen in the PC Engine games), old enemies have f...

6.90 6.03 536

Yuna and her pals are suddenly faced with a new foe in the form of three robotic sisters just when things appear to be getting back to normal. To combat this potent, fresh evil, Yuna must once more as...

6.80 6.22 539

The only winners of the last battle in 2085 were the machines. Years ago, the human species unearthed the wreckage of an old ship beneath the surface of the moon and used the information gathered to f...

6.60 6.18 544

The year is 2291, and the citizens live a peaceful existence after the catastrophic war between the humans and the Yuman. This quiet life is about to be shattered, the leader of the Yuman is not convi...

6.60 5.72 553

The anime takes place in the year 5053, during a conflict between the planet Earth and the Eastern Empire, which is ruled by aliens. The Count of Monte Cristo is a mysterious self-made nobleman whom V...

7.90 8.15 398