After a tragedy strikes Tokyo in 2029, the plot is set in 2040. The main protagonist, Ken Andoh, becomes employed by a corporation known as DC that is tasked with cleaning up Tokyo. After the DC clean...

5.70 6.08 384

On February 24, 2018, a massive creature known as a Heterodyne makes an appearance in the Northwest Gap of the Sea of Japan and goes on a rampage, devastating a large city and killing countless people...

7.10 7.14 580

Akira Akebono is a young boy competing in a robot competition where a lot of the robots can change into different animal forms. With the aid of his team of robots, which can all combine to form the ro...

8.60 6.72 365

The planet Barm's survivors flee after their home world is destroyed in order to negotiate the purchase of land on Earth so that they can immigrate there. Unfortunately, the Barmian leader, Leon, is k...

7.90 7.21 398

The show is set in an alternate universe and is primarily set in the city of Eridana, whose territory is divided equally between the Lapetodes Seven Cities Alliance and the Tseberun Dragon Empire. The...

6.10 5.79 490

The majority of the planet is submerged under water in the future, yet the few cities that are still standing are thriving. Maia Mizuki has been working arduously to fulfill her dream of working for t...

6.90 6.77 518

A spatial anomaly called "Heaven's Gate" first appeared in South America ten years prior to the series' events. Then "Hell's Gate" opened in Tokyo, changing the sky and wreaking devastation on the sur...

7.70 8.07 611

The story takes place in the far future. The countryside has been devastated, and humanity has established the mobile fort city Plantation. Mistilteinn, sometimes referred to as the "birdcage," is hom...

7.40 7.23 547

In the first episode of the series, a mysterious phenomena known as a "spatial quake" devastates the heart of Eurasia and kills at least 150 million people. Smaller spatial quakes will continue to sha...

6.90 7.17 543

Ten years later, the focus of the narrative changes to Ganta Igarashi, a seemingly common 9th grader attending a middle school in Nagano Prefecture. Ganta has led a typical life despite being an escap...

7.10 7.20 572

High school student Ikuhara Takeya lives a regular lifestyle. He is unconcerned with the uproar around a UFO that crashed on earth last year and was populated by attractive alien women. The DearS alie...

6.10 6.57 368