Juden Chan Recharged" (also known as "Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!!" in Japanese) is an ecchi science fiction comedy anime series that focuses on the adventures of "Chargers," beings from a parallel wo...

6.50 6.64 646

The Mud Whale, a utopian island that floats across the surface of an infinite sea of sand, has a 14-year-old archivist named Chakuro. The ability to use saimia, extraordinary abilities that doom one t...

7.00 7.18 562

Future versions of personal computers are called "Persocons," which are portable computers that resemble people. Prep school student Hideki Motosuwa is eager to buy a Persocon but is unable to do so d...

7.30 7.41 382

War breaks out as a result of years of political hostility and distrust between the competing nations of Zafran and Revillia. The answer for each nation was to seize control of Decimators, the same co...

7.00 6.69 602

Dangaizer, who lived 10,000 years ago, was the judge, the jury, and the executioner when he reduced humanity to ashes. This action effectively sealed the destiny of mankind. Humanity's civilization wa...

6.80 5.41 668

The filth monsters have taken over a dirty world in the far future, inflicting devastation wherever they go. Regios are remote mobile cities where humanity is confined after being forced to shift. Lay...

7.00 7.30 567

One year has passed since the Black Rebellion was crushed and Zero was purportedly put to death. To try to avert any such uprisings and disrupt rebellious impulses, Britannia has given Area 11 a statu...

8.70 8.91 586

Titans from outer space, creatures from a mythical realm, ghosts and goblins from the past, cyborgs made by scientists, and artifacts that sprang from the ruins of old civilizations are some of the cr...

6.30 7.01 521

A hyperspace gate that connected Earth to an odd realm with fairies and monsters first appeared in the middle of the Pacific Ocean fifteen years ago. Over two million of these alien guests settled in ...

6.60 6.71 555