The plot revolves around high school student and band vocalist Kamikurata Kyouta and how he discovers a secret war being fought by mythical girls with supernatural abilities. Later, Kyouta teams up w...

6.00 6.08 548

In the far future, the "Shadow Angels" are a menace to humanity once again,  mystical creatures that have been absent for 12,000 years have reappeared. They invade human towns and enslave the locals ...

6.40 7.10 392

The human race on the planet Vega (also known as Vga) is threatened by a new threat from the planet Altair (also known as Arutea Kai), whose female population was wiped out by a mysterious illness k...

6.90 7.09 500

Humanity has utilized written language to communicate across generations for thousands of years since its invention. Writing and hence communication as a whole declined over the centuries as technolog...

5.80 5.72 559

"Area 88" is a war drama anime based on the manga series of the same name. The story revolves around Shin Kazama, a talented fighter pilot who had a promising future in his home country of Japan. He w...

7.70 7.51 646

The scenario of the narrative includes Butei ("war scout"), a national certification created to combat global crime situations which are getting worse. Butei is short for buso tantei ("armed detective...

6.50 6.82 633

Hajime Nagumo, who is seventeen, is your typical otaku. But when he and the rest of his class are called to a dream world, his routine of staying up late and sleeping in class is abruptly upended! The...

7.10 6.67 687

Dual Matrix is the name of the sequel to Armitage III. A departure from conventional animation to computer-assisted methods caused several unpleasant modifications in character designs, such as Armita...

6.90 7.02 515

In honor of the Renaissance, Florence experiences a cultural and creative resurgence in the 16th century. A charming young woman from an aristocratic family named Arte aspires to be an artist and cont...

6.90 7.18 320

On the verge of extinction, humanity has shrunk and is now limited to the city-state of Flandore, where people live in glass-domed cities. Violent lycanthropes that thrive in the dark exist beyond the...

5.60 5.93 608

Yamada, a 15-year-old high school student who has a lascivious tendency and dreams of having sex with 100 different people, is the main character in B Gata H Kei. She, however, rejects every man who ...

6.87 7.10 563

The protagonist of the anime is a young man named Akihisa Yoshii, also referred to as "Baka" or "the idiot". He studies at Fumizuki Academy, where the faculty ruthlessly assigns students to groups dep...

7.20 7.54 556