One day, an unidentified stranger gives two plush dinosaurs to Miho Shinohara, a 9-year-old elementary school student. She receives a magic sketchbook and pen from the animated plush dinosaurs. She is...

7.30 7.15 574

The "Befort Children," a group of white-haired kids who were first mentioned in 1489 in the fictional Belgian village of "Befort," are introduced in the first episode of the series. Over the course of...

7.40 7.52 561

Young Terry and Andy Bogard, their tutor Tung Fu Rue, and their father Jeff Bogard are out and about in Southtown. Jeff is distracted by a group of destitute youngsters begging for money and a pretty,...

6.10 6.41 531

Shirou Emiya, a diligent and honorable youngster, is the protagonist of the story. He unwittingly enrolls in the Fifth Holy Grail War, a deathmatch competition where participants use magic and histori...

7.30 7.29 555

Ai and Yu Hayakawa, 12-year-old twins, are the main characters of FF:U. They hunt for their missing parents by entering Wonderland, a mysterious parallel reality. The 22-year-old Lisa Pacifist, who Ai...

5.90 6.19 565

It’s summer, and Norimichi Shimada and his friends want to know if fireworks look round or flat from the side. They forge a plan to find the answer at Moshimo Festival’s fireworks display. However...

5.50 6.08 498

Nikaido Kaho comes from a wealthy family, and throughout her life, everyone has been kind to her. She nearly gets hit by a truck while moving into her new high school dormitory, but a boy saves her. K...

4.50 5.50 517

The narrative of Flame of Recca centers on a young man named Recca Hanabishi who is fascinated by ninjas and considers himself to be one. He frequently gets into fights because he declared in front of...

7.30 7.34 504

The story follows the exploits of a Japanese boy named Kazuya Aoi as he enrolls in training at a specialized school for genetically modified girls known as Pandoras who fight the aliens and their male...

6.80 6.82 408

Second season of Freezing...

6.90 6.74 629

Tohru Honda, a high school student, decides to move in with her grandfather after learning that her mother died in a car accident. She temporarily leaves her grandfather's home due to renovations to t...

7.90 7.68 601

Tooru Honda, a 16-year-old high school student, moves out... into a tent after a family tragedy turns her life upside down. Unfortunately for her, she decides to set up her new home on property owned ...

8.60 8.22 890