The middle-school students Miaka Yuki and Yui Hongo's various struggles are chronicled in the series. One day Miaka and Yui are browsing the library when they come across a peculiar book called The Un...

7.80 7.62 781

Fuuka is a sequel to the 2004 manga Suzuka. The story follows Yuu Haruna, a loner and an avid Twitter user that made a promise with his childhood friend Koyuki Hinashi of starting a band. One night, o...

6.30 6.51 336

High school student and gamer Keita Amano meets Karen Tend, the stunning student idol, and joins the school's gaming club. He rejects her offer after learning that it is focused on competitive gaming....

6.70 6.79 473

Chiyo Sakura, a high school student, develops a crush on Umetarou Nozaki, a classmate. When she tells him she loves him, he takes her for a fan and signs an autograph for her. When she expresses a des...

7.60 7.85 521

Yukinari Sasaki is a typical high school student who experiences so much bullying from girls that he acquired an allergy to them. He thus experiences hives anytime he interacts with a woman. When he g...

6.60 6.39 542

Second season of Girls Bravo ...

7.30 6.62 557

The Mimetic Beasts are an alien danger that are overcome in 2042 when robot pilot Goh Saruwatari uses his robot, the Dannar, to take down the alien "boss" and save his future fiancée, Anna Aoi. O...

6.80 6.67 408

A male student named Banri Tada has just been admitted to a private legal school in Tokyo. He lost all of his memories before the accident as a result of the repercussions of a fall from a bridge shor...

7.60 7.75 541

A typical high school student named Soji Mitsuka has an infatuation with twintail hair. When monsters show up in his town and declare that all twintails in the world are theirs, he one day meets a cur...

6.30 6.45 524

In the imaginary European nation of Gosick, which spans from Switzerland to the Alps between France and Italy to the Mediterranean Sea, the year is 1924. The nation is referred to as "Sauville" in the...

7.30 8.06 429

Shuichi Shindou, an aspiring musician, and his band, Bad Luck, are central to the narrative (formed with his best friend Hiroshi Nakano, who is on guitar). Shuichi aspires to succeed Ryuichi Sakuma, t...

7.10 6.95 408

"Green Green" is an anime series based on the Japanese adult visual novel of the same name. The story revolves around the interactions between students from an all-boys school, Kanenone Academy, and a...

5.80 6.16 497