It opens with Dr. Saotome looking for outstanding individuals to pilot his invention, the Getter Robo. This is a retelling of the Getter Robo narrative. His son Tatsuhito was severely hurt during a Ge...

7.60 7.35 523

Nichijou centers on the enthusiastic Yko Aioi, the bright and cheerful Mio Naganohara, the quiet and deadpan Mai Minakami, the anxious android Nano Shinonome, her young creator the Professor, and a ta...

8.30 8.46 492

The story, which is set in a retro-future setting, centers on Mayuko, a recent high school graduate who attends cram school to get ready for college. But since she had nowhere to dwell, she made the d...

7.10 6.85 476

It is the year 1931. China's Shanghai serves as the setting. Due to the recent First Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, and World War I, the Imperial Japanese Army has been sent to mainland China....

6.50 6.85 416

Humans live in a gloomy, oppressive planet that is actually dominated by strong beings known as the Darkstalkers. These entities are constantly at war with one another in an effort to prove who is the...

6.50 6.59 651

Attacks by the nightbreed, little demons that take possession of humans and consume their souls, are rather prevalent in the realm of Nightwalker. As a whole, nightbreeds (commonly referred to as "bre...

6.93 463

Two ninja clans, the Byakuro and the Kabusu, are at war with one another during Japan's feudal era. Then, one night, the Kabusu mount a ferocious assault on the castle of Byakuro in an effort to seize...

5.00 5.69 400

Kenichi Mitsuba, 10, is a typical child who attends a high school and has academic difficulties. Due to his extreme laziness and stubbornness, he consistently irritates his parents and professors. Hat...

7.20 6.87 586

Shinobu, a ninja trainee, is trying to pass her ninja examinations while Kaede, a typical schoolgirl, studies for her school exams in the absurdist comedy Ninja Nonsense. Shinobu's teacher, Onsokumaru...

7.20 6.90 426

In the Tokugawa period, when Christians in Japan were being persecuted, Ninja Resurrection takes place. Amakusa Shir, the commander of the Shimabara Rebellion, had hoped to fend against the government...

5.00 5.22 495

Ninja Senshi Tobikage tells the story of a boy named Joe Maya. One day, Joe, who lives on Mars, witnesses a battle between aliens. Those from Planet Zaboom are attacking the princess of Planet Radorio...

8.40 6.69 538

The action takes place in feudal Japan and centers on the exploits of Jubei Kibagami, a mercenary ninja tasked with defending Shigure the "Light Maiden" against the troops of the Hiruko and Kimon Clan...

6.90 6.68 545