The Ueno-based television show centers on three primary school students named Yui, Sat-chan, and Kotoha who create a group called "The Colors." To keep the peace in their village, they work together t...

6.70 7.42 529

The series is set in the town of Gamebridge, which is overrun by the humorous and occasionally dangerous game creatures known as "hench" as well as the wicked Prince Brad of the game world after an ac...

8.20 6.35 506

Taro Sado, a high sxchool student, tries to hide his acute masochism from his crush after realizing that he is one. He joins the "2nd Volunteer Club" at his school to address his issue, where Mio Isur...

6.90 7.06 466

Shigeo Kageyama, also known as Mob, is a typical middle schooler. He may appear unremarkable, but he is a strong esper with incredible psychic ability. He continually lives under an emotional restrain...

8.60 8.48 858

Mobile Fighter G Gundam is set in a different "Future Century" timeframe than previous Gundam series, which are set in the "Universal Century." In this era, most people have left the destroyed Earth a...

7.50 7.56 571

The Principality of Zeon has separated itself from the Earth Federation and begun a struggle of independence known as the One Year War in this alternate universe (Universal Century year 0079 according...

8.10 8.12 468

Zeon intelligence in the Universal Century 0079 has discovered a Federation Gundam prototype being worked on in a base of the Federation in the Arctic. Elite Zeon MS commandos are sent to destroy the ...

8.00 7.94 504

Three years have passed since the Principality of Zeon's defeat at the end of the One Year War in the year 0083 of the Universal Century. A crew of Zeon remnants known as the Delaz Fleet attacks the T...

7.80 7.26 533

The space colony Angel is attacked and obliterated by an unknown force known only as "UE" or "Unknown Enemy" in A.G. 101 (the 101st year of the Advanced Generation calendar). This horrifying assault l...

5.60 6.48 480

"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny" is the sequel to "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," part of the sprawling Gundam franchise. The series takes place two years after the end of the Bloody Valentine War depicte...

7.10 7.19 536

The first episode of the series takes place in U.C. 0001, at the very beginning of human space colonization, when an anti-federation group destroys Laplace, the Prime Minister of the Federation's resi...

7.70 8.11 502

"Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096" is a re-edited version of the "Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn" original video animation (OVA) series that aired on television. It's set within the Universal Century ti...

7.70 7.60 479