"Naruto" is a highly popular shonen anime based on the manga of the same name by Masashi Kishimoto. It follows the journey of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja from the village of Konoha, who dreams of be...

8.40 8.24 711

"Naruto: Shippuden" is the sequel to the original "Naruto" anime and covers the latter part of the "Naruto" manga series. The story picks up two and a half years after Naruto Uzumaki leaves Konoha, th...

8.70 8.24 1550

Takashi Natsume, who inherited this talent from his grandmother Reiko Natsume, has been able to see ghosts for as long as he can remember. His upbringing was lonely as a result of this ability because...

8.10 8.32 821

The beginning date of this anime is unknown, however it takes place 50 years after World War III. Where Tokyo once stood, the conflict has left a crater that is now covered with toxic rubble. This are...

6.60 7.24 383

Negi Springfield takes on the roles of English and homeroom teacher for Mahora Academy Class 2A while searching for information regarding his missing father Nagi (later 3A). Most of Negi's new classma...

6.80 6.94 414

After dealing with Evangeline, Negi leads the class on a trip to Kyoto in an effort to learn more about his father's whereabouts. However, he is forced to engage in combat with Eastern mages who are t...

6.10 6.69 454

"Nekopara" is an anime series based on a visual novel franchise by Neko Works. The story is set in a world where humanoid cats known as "Nekos" live alongside humans. The protagonist, Kashou Minazuki,...

6.10 6.74 409

When a young man from the fictitious Pacific island of Barou shows up with information about their long-missing brother, the Shimabara sisters—Manami, Ushio, and Yuuhi—are living independently and...

6.70 6.56 443

Shinji Ikari, a teenager, is called to the future city of Tokyo-3 by his estranged father Gendo Ikari, the commander of the secret paramilitary unit Nerv, in 2015, fifteen years after a global catastr...

8.50 8.34 680

The three makes their home on a stage built in Hideki's daikon patch in Tokyo's Nerima district. They envision turning the area into a concert dome where they may play in front of packed houses. They ...

7.40 7.30 479

Al, Leona, and Bonaparte, along with the rest of the Tank Police, continue to fight crime in New Port City in the sequel to Shirow's iconic anime. However, a fresh danger emerges in the form of a stri...

6.80 6.91 505

Aoba Suzukaze, a recent high school graduate, starts working as a character designer for Eagle Jump, the company that created the video game whose character designs first inspired her when she was you...

7.20 7.58 441