This cartoon features Bruce Willis as the voice of an 11-year-old boy named Bruno, who becomes a top spy for a covert espionage organization called Globe. Unbeknownst to Globe, which contacts Bruno th...

7.60 7.90 113

Lincoln Loud is the only boy and the middle child in a bustling household of eleven siblings living in the fictional town of Royal Woods, Michigan. He navigates life with his ten sisters, each possess...

7.10 6.10 124

Bucky and his crew are tasked with battling the malevolent toads determined to conquer the universe. As they embark on this epic struggle, they must use their wits and teamwork to thwart the toads' si...

7.10 7.10 122

Inspired by the character created by Sarah, the Duchess of York, "Budgie the Little Helicopter" is a beloved children's series that aired for 39 episodes starting in 1994. The show draws from the Duch...

7.30 6.50 111

Fudo Jun is a stunning supermodel adored by many, but she harbors a dark secret, one she is initially unaware of: her blood contains the genetic code for the next stage of human evolution, linking her...

7.00 6.40 107

In a future where AI manages all forms of transportation, machines often malfunction or get reprogrammed, leading to chaos on the roads. In this environment, three high school students with non-AI car...

7.70 7.90 83

In a futuristic setting, Daigo, a daring teenager, races through the wilderness on his super cycle, accompanied by his robotic pet black panther. They arrive at Victor Town, an ideal city amidst the d...

7.80 6.60 111

Team Warrior consists of five members, including Maki, the team's leader, who exemplifies a sense of calm, precision, and tactical cleverness. While she doesn't participate in field operations, she sk...

6.40 6.50 142

The series originated from a senior thesis project by creator Van Partible at Loyola Marymount University, centered around an Elvis Presley impersonator. This project, titled "Mess O' Blues" (1993), c...

7.60 7.30 121

In this action-packed story, martial artist Ryo Sakazaki and his best friend Robert Garcia find themselves entangled in a dangerous situation after a home invasion, involving a house cat, an ancient a...

6.30 7.70 103

In this intriguing plot, Hoichiro Ohma appears to be a quiet and unassuming office worker, known for his humility, even to his girlfriend, Nanase. However, he harbors a dark secret: he is the Judge of...

7.50 7.10 78

The series, created by Dan Mandel and Chris Pearson, features main characters Dan and Chris, whose personalities are loosely inspired by the creators' own negative qualities. Initially conceived as a ...

7.70 7.80 112