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The animated series follows a 13-year-old boy named Henry Bigg who discovers mouse-like creatures called Littles in his suitcase while on vacation. The Little family includes parents William and Lucy,...
7.80 7.00 112After his castle is seized, Valiant, the Prince of Thule, dreams that King Arthur summons him to Camelot. Inspired by this vision, Valiant embarks on a quest to discover the legendary kingdom. During ...
6.30 7.60 125A team of sprite-like power engineers is tasked with maintaining and protecting lamp post H032, a crucial part of the entire Lighting Network. Below them, the Roons, who inhabit the sewers, pose a thr...
7.00 7.80 124"Braingames" was initially a program that aired on HBO on Mondays in 1983 and has since been released as a series of interactive videocassettes that combine elements of history, art, music, culture, a...
7.70 7.30 84This show is inspired by the popular movie featuring an average guy who discovers an enchanted mask. When he wears the mask, he transforms into a wildly eccentric superhero, fighting crime and creatin...
7.10 7.10 121The series follows Bessie Higgenbottom, an eager Honeybee girl scout determined to earn every Honeybee badge in her quest to become The Mighty B. Bessie resides in San Francisco with her single mother...
7.50 6.30 117Inspired by the classic children's book series Mr. Men and Little Miss, the show is set in the fictional town of Dillydale on the whimsical continent of Misterland. It follows the characters from the ...
7.80 6.30 115Young boy Bastian once again assists the Childlike Empress and the inhabitants of Fantasia, a realm of imagination accessible through a magical book titled The NeverEnding Story. As he faces the terri...
8.00 7.60 119The New Three Stooges is a television program that aired from 1965 to 1966, featuring the comedic trio known as the Three Stooges. The show included both live-action and animated segments showcasing t...
7.50 7.90 120In "The New Adventures of Batman," the iconic "Dynamic Duo" continues their fight against crime in Gotham City, taking on a mix of classic villains from Batman's rogues gallery alongside some original...
6.90 7.50 130In this sequel series to "He-Man," the story unfolds 10,000 years into the future, where Prince Adam is unexpectedly transported from his time to defend Planet Primus. Here, he faces a new threat from...
7.40 6.80 119Young Zoe lives in the picturesque Grand Mountain National Park, accompanied by her loyal dog, Lassie. With an extraordinary ability to sense human emotions without needing to be told, Lassie proves t...
6.50 6.50 115