The story follows two cousins, Phil and Jack, who come from vastly different backgrounds—one from the Philippines and the other from the San Francisco Bay Area. They find themselves unexpectedly liv...

7.20 7.60 121

The series centers on the quirky misadventures of a goofy family that has been mutated by toxic waste. Each member possesses unique and often hilarious deformities, leading to a range of comedic situa...

6.60 6.30 118

The series follows the teenage misadventures of the children of the Flintstones and the Rubbles as they navigate the challenges of adolescence in their prehistoric world. Fred and Wilma Flintstone's d...

6.20 6.30 110

The Ant Hill Mob finds themselves in a race against time to protect Penelope Pitstop from a deadly lawyer intent on claiming her inheritance. As they navigate various challenges and obstacles, the qui...

6.90 6.70 106

The sixth syndicated cartoon from Hanna-Barbera after their departure from MGM features Peter Potamus, a purple hippopotamus, and his sidekick So-So, a monkey. Together, they embark on time-traveling ...

7.00 7.60 111

The cartoon features the antics of a real pink panther, showcasing his whimsical adventures filled with humor and charm. Interspersed throughout the series are segments featuring Inspector Clouseau, t...

6.70 6.30 117

A young man discovers that he is a prince tasked with a vital mission to save his world. To accomplish this, he must embark on an adventurous quest to locate 13 magical treasures of rule. As he journe...

8.00 7.60 108

Thurgood Stubbs, voiced by Eddie Murphy, lives with his wife Muriel in a housing project where he serves as the chief superintendent. The series chronicles the humorous adventures of the Stubbs family...

7.20 6.50 129

Four stylish teenage girls work together to uncover exciting stories for their trendy magazine. As they navigate the challenges of adolescence, they blend their unique personalities and talents to tac...

7.70 7.00 81

The series is set in the 23rd century on a diverse desert planet called New Texas, blending elements of science fiction with western themes. Like other Filmation productions such as "He-Man and the Ma...

7.10 7.20 78

Breezly Bruin, voiced by Howard Morris, is a humorous and clever polar bear who embarks on various escapades with his friend Sneezly Seal, voiced by Mel Blanc. Sneezly is a droopy seal perpetually pla...

6.60 7.90 130

Brum is a lively car who enjoys exploring the city every day. Join him on his adventures as he assists in saving the day by spotting criminals, dancing with people, and occasionally getting into misch...

7.70 6.10 65