Chozen follows the journey of its titular character, a gay white rapper who has just been released from prison. Determined to reclaim his place as a leading figure in the rap scene, Chozen uses his un...

6.40 298

Chris Colorado is set in a post-apocalyptic Earth devastated by a catastrophic event known as The Great Crash, caused by a data-processing flaw that prevented the detection of a meteorite impact. In t...

8.20 371

Chuck Bird follows the adventures of Chuck Adoodledoo, a lively bird with the extraordinary ability to transform into various forms using unique objects such as the Golden Egg and Nixogear. Each trans...


The Adventures of Chuck and U.D. follows 11-year-old Chuck McFarlane and his interstellar robot companion, U.D., as they navigate a series of fantastical adventures that hinge on choices Chuck must ma...

6.40 368

Chuggington is a charming animated series centered around six young anthropomorphic locomotives—Koko, Wilson, Brewster, Hoot, Toot, and Piper—collectively known as "Trainees." Set in the vibrant f...

5.90 292

Luna Petunia is a vibrant animated series designed for preschoolers, created by Saban Brands and Cirque du Soleil Média. The show follows the adventures of a spirited young girl named Luna Petunia, w...

6.40 380

In this hybrid animated mockumentary series, a diverse group of kids explores the vibrant stories of Los Angeles by interacting with the city's resident ghosts. Each episode follows the kids as they u...

7.60 386

In "CJ In The DJ," 13-year-old CJ, along with her friends Lesley and Si, embarks on a journey to become professional DJs. Despite their passion and talent, they face challenges in their small town, wh...

6.20 377

In the animated series, three alien robots named Rivet, Widgit, and Socket crash-land their spacecraft in an ordinary garden tree on Earth. When human twins Robin and Daisy Harrison discover the wreck...

4.80 375

Clarence follows the adventurous and optimistic 10-year-old Clarence Wendle as he navigates life in the fictional town of Aberdale, Arizona. With his two best friends—Jeff, the thoughtful and intell...

6.80 282

The new episodes of The Clangers bring back Major Clanger and his family in delightful, life-affirming adventures that are perfect for all ages. Set in their whimsical, claymation world, these charmin...

7.50 287

Beginning in 2014, the animated sketch comedy series Clash-A-Rama! told tales about the characters from Clash of Clans and Clash Royale and the events that occurred throughout their lives. It can be v...

7.90 287