The series' protagonist Kevin Keene, a teenager from Northridge, Los Angeles, California, and his dog Duke are transported to a different realm called Videoland at the beginning of the first episode w...

6.30 337

"Our world is in peril. Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet. She sends five magic rings to five special young people: Kwame, from Africa, wi...

6.70 395

2068 marks the start of the series. The crew of the Zero-X spacecraft is examining Mars' surface in the first episode after strange radio signals were discovered to be emanating from the planet. After...

7.80 413

Tenderheart Bear, Cheer Bear, Grumpy Bear, Share Bear, Harmony Bear, Funshine Bear, and new energetic, inquisitive cub Wonderheart Bear all go in adventures that emphasize messages of sharing and cari...

6.80 327

As with Care Bears: Oopsy Does It!, this series contains the new redesigned Care Bears with revised tummy emblems (commonly known as "belly badges"), in contrast to the previous animation produced by ...

5.60 392

The 14-year-old slacker Carl Crashman excels exclusively at being sluggish. Carl was complaining about his life and having a bad day on the Internet when he unintentionally ordered a clone from a spam...

6.30 260

A group of villains who also serve as the faculty at V.I.L.E. Academy, a school for thieves and covert criminal underworld organization, are responsible for raising and training the orphan girl, coden...

7.90 367

Lightning McQueen and his best friend Mater set out on a cross-country road trip across America some time after the events of Cars 3 (2017) in order to attend Mater's sister Mato's wedding. They encou...

7.00 409

Casper is a good-natured young ghost who calmly resides in a Maine house. James Harvey, a specialist, arrives with his teenage daughter, Kat, to speak with Casper and the other ghosts. Casper falls in...

5.80 311

Casper the Friendly Ghost serves as a "guardian ghost" to Mini and Maxi, two female Space Police officers who patrol the Jetsons-style Space City in the year 2179 on their flying motorcycles. Mini is ...

5.60 414