Set in New York City, the story follows the best friends Corduroy, a teddy bear with a childlike personality, and Lisa, a Jamaican-American schoolgirl. Lisa lives in a large, unnamed city with her mot...

7.80 328

This animated series chronicles the adventures of Corn and Peg, a blue unicorn and a pink Pegasus who are inseparable best friends and schoolmates since preschool. Inspired by their favorite superhero...

7.70 368

Corneil is a brilliant canine who can read and write in perfect English, far surpassing most humans in intelligence. Aware that life as a spoiled pet is preferable, he does everything possible to keep...

6.60 384

The story follows a clueless leader and his seemingly worthless underlings as they comically navigate their way through saving the world. An otaku loser unexpectedly becomes the ruler of an empire, eq...


In a world where the Demon King has fallen, a group of powerful demigods who could have defeated him now inherit the earth. Among them are a master fencer who can assess opponents with a single glance...

8.20 7.00 466

The story follows the clumsy apprentice witch Fûka as she accidentally breaks the seal of a dark witch who nearly brought about the world's destruction. ...


Set several years after the original Ultraman series, Shin Hayata has become a defense minister with no recollection of how he transformed into Ultraman to save the world from Kaijus. Matsushiro Ide, ...

6.80 452

Mirai Kasuga is a young girl eager to pursue a dream that remains just out of reach. Shizuka Mogami is determined to enter the world of idols, while Tsubasa Ibuki is still coming to terms with the mea...

6.85 550

Freelance photographer Kouya Madoka is experiencing a slump for a particular reason. While covering a story at the Fuji International Speedway, he encounters high school F4 racer Haruka Asahina, reign...

7.20 7.41 415

Based in Shinjuku, Ryo Saeba, a skilled "City Hunter" known for fulfilling various requests, teams up with his partner, Kaori Makimura, when a female video creator named Angie asks them to locate an e...


A year after the defeat of Zeref and Acnologia, Natsu Dragneel and his Fairy Tail guild team set out on the 100 Years Quest, a mission that has remained unfinished for over a century in the northern c...

7.66 8.21 831

In a world dominated by magic, the young and powerless Mash Burnedead is seen as a threat to the gene pool and must be eliminated. Living in hiding within the forest, he dedicates his days to training...

7.20 8.30 578