Suigin Riku, a high school student and avid gamer, is followed throughout the narrative as he enrolls in the exclusive Shinryou Private Academy, an exclusive school for the affluent and privileged. Su...

6.20 6.37 507

Gin's son is born in the Japanese Alps several years after the events of Silver Fang, The Shooting Star Gin. An English Setter named GB promises to take the puppy to the Rocky Mountains and reunite hi...

7.90 7.23 533

It is a silver Tora-ge with the same name as his coat. Soon after his birth, he witnesses the death of his father, Riki, at the hands of the terrifying bear Akakabuto. He sets off in search of other d...

8.90 8.03 538

The story takes place 600 years after Jupiter was obliterated, when the Bakufu administration had brought peace to the Solar System. However, a man by the name of Dan Condor decides to form a new J9 s...

6.25 391

Following the fall of the Sacred Galaxy Empire, the warlords engage in a conflict over who will rule the Milky Way Galaxy. Rai Ryuga, a brave young warrior, emerges from the pandemonium. To his enemie...

7.90 7.88 420

The solar system has been colonized in the year 2111, and numerous criminal gangs are wreaking havoc. Isaac Godonov, Blaster Kid, Steven Bowie, and Angel Omachi make up Team Cosmoranger J9, which is t...

7.00 6.67 468

The narrative takes place in the year 3567 in a hypothetical future. The entire Earth is encased in a paranormal barrier known as the Olynssis barrier, which distorts space and time. Gardeners, which ...

6.21 506

In a village in the desert, a gang of adolescent females run an armored car customizing business. Every day, they talk about various marketing strategies for their company. ...

5.51 579

Based on a brief passage from the Italian author Edmondo de Amicis' work Cuore, Marco is a little child who lives with his father Pietro in Genoa, Italy. However, Marco's mother left for Argentina abo...

7.30 7.43 487

A young girl named Haruka Haruno had a goal of becoming a princess like those in fairy tales eight years prior. However, because of her dream, she is consistently ridiculed by her kindergarten classma...

8.10 7.76 553

The tale is set in Victorian-era Britain and centers on the exploits of Lydia Carlton, a 17-year-old known as the "Fairy Doctor" for her knowledge and fascination with fairies. When she encounters Edg...

6.60 7.22 891