"Dog Days" is a fantasy anime series that first aired in 2011. The series is set in an alternate world known as Flonyard, which is populated by anthropomorphic animals. Wars in Flonyard are not like t...

6.20 6.88 832

Unidentified gamer wakes up with the avatar body and armor he was using while playing online. He is startled to learn that he resembles a skeleton when he sees his reflection in a river because of the...

6.90 7.21 595

Trump Kingdom is a mystical place where, under the direction of their monarch Princess Marie Ange, everyone's hearts dwell happily. But one day, the realm is attacked by the terrible Jikochu (Saban: M...

6.20 6.62 559

Young Dongguo Xiaojie has lived with her mother since she was a young child. The year she turned sixteen, her mother's "Grave Illness" struck out of nowhere. Dongguo Xiaojie embarked on a perilous tre...

5.84 536

Ten-year-old Nobita Nobi, a Japanese schoolboy, is friendly and trustworthy but also slow, unlucky, weak, struggles academically, and isn't very good at sports. One day, Nobita's descendants send Dora...

8.00 7.77 567

For Hajime Murata, the world is about to fall apart. Then, a mystery new transfer student shows up at his school wearing an old school uniform after an odd alien ship emerges above Tokyo. Muryou is hi...

7.40 6.98 534

The story of Dororo takes place during the Sengoku era and centers on a rinin named Hyakkimaru and a young, orphaned robber named Dororo. The rnin was born deformed, limbless, and lacking in both inte...

7.60 7.21 547

When a Galactic Patrol ship crashes on his family's property, the young Kimball Kinnison receives a mysterious Lens from the dying pilot as he prepares to leave home for a more extensive education. Th...

6.10 6.23 551

Tetsuro Hoshino, a ten-year-old from a poor family, longs for an immortal machine body that will grant him the freedom that only the mechanized can experience. The Andromeda Galaxy is the destination ...

7.80 7.79 501

The story of the three Ferrari sisters, Hozuki, Kazuki, and Hazuki, descendants of Galileo Galilei, who are constantly at odds with one another due to their vastly dissimilar personalities, is told in...

6.40 6.42 553