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"Detective Conan," also known as "Case Closed," is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that has spawned a multitude of spin-offs, including movies, TV specials, and Original Video Animations (OV...
8.50 7.02 550The Digital Universe, a parallel online world where animals known as Digimon roam, experiences devastating events in the year 2020, which lead to a series of cyber-attacks in Tokyo. A young boy named ...
7.00 6.40 600"Digimon Adventure Tri. 2: Ketsui" is the second movie in the "Digimon Adventure Tri." series, which is a sequel to the original "Digimon Adventure" and "Digimon Adventure 02" series. The title "Ketsu...
7.20 7.46 499"Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku" is the third movie in the "Digimon Adventure tri." series, a sequel to the original "Digimon Adventure" and "Digimon Adventure 02" series. The title "Kokuhaku" tra...
7.60 7.64 594"Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu," also known as "Digimon Adventure tri. Loss," is the fourth installment in the "Digimon Adventure tri." movie series. The series serves as a sequel to the origina...
7.00 7.29 530"Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyousei," also known as "Digimon Adventure tri. Coexistence," is the fifth movie in the "Digimon Adventure tri." series, a continuation of the original "Digimon Adventure" a...
6.80 7.17 471"Digimon Adventure tri. 6: Bokura no Mirai," also known as "Digimon Adventure tri. Future," is the sixth and final film in the "Digimon Adventure tri." series, continuing the narrative of the original...
7.10 7.20 545The movie series takes place in 2005, six years after Digimon Adventure 02 ended. The Real World is being warped by a mystery aberration, and hostile Digimon are being infected by a virus. The eight o...
7.30 7.44 522A novel technology has surfaced in the not too distant future. On social media, reports about mysterious phenomena known as "Hologram Ghosts" are circulating. Their veracity is unknown. Hiro Amanokawa...
7.40 6.94 540Technology had reached a point of prosperity for the entire planet in 2045. The World Wide Web has evolved into a home for "App Monsters" (, Apurimonsutzu), or "Appmons," intelligent creatures created...
6.90 6.58 519The two members of Trouble Consultant team 234, also known as the "Lovely Angels," are Kei and Yuri. The majority of the missions they work on end in disaster, but not failure: They usually catch the ...
7.30 7.21 538