The story will center on the encounter between 10-year-old Sam Wing and Gizmo, a baby Mogwai. Sam and Gizmo embark on a treacherous journey across the Chinese countryside with a young street pickpocke...

7.80 574

In this series, we watch Clark as he crafts his hidden Superman persona and takes on the hero's mantle for Metropolis and maybe the entire world. As Lois rises as a top investigative journalist, she m...

8.30 655

Sonic in a high-octane adventure where the fate of a strange new multiverse rests in his gloved hands....

7.30 488

In this series, various mythical realms converge, resulting in a precarious fusion. A Spinjitzu Ninja Master is assigned the responsibility of mentoring a fresh group of heroes. Their primary objectiv...

7.60 613

Babs and Buster Bunny, together with their friends, embark on a comical journey to Acme Looniversity, a prestigious institution for all things cartoonish. At this school, they establish lasting friend...

7.10 756

In the animated series, bubbly Gretel and her protective older brother, Kevin, anticipate receiving superpowers from benevolent space aliens on their birthdays. However, a twist sees Kevin's powers mi...

6.90 691

Craig is a 10-year-old who loves playing in a place called the Creek. One day, he drops his special staff into a storm drain. To get it back, he and his friends Kelsey and J.P. decide to find the sewe...

7.50 717

Hailey Banks is no ordinary teenager. Though naturally cautious, she's equipped with a knack for resourcefulness. Driven by an intricate list of daunting (and occasionally bizarre) tasks, she's convin...

7.40 732

21st century palaeontologist Helena Walker finds herself resurrected on a mysterious primeval island populated by prehistoric beasts. ...

7.00 704

In this action-packed comedic series, we dive deep into the double life of the galaxy's most formidable bounty hunter. He's a master of his craft, with skills that are unmatched. However, he has a sec...

7.10 640

The surreal adventures of two best friends - a blue jay and a raccoon - as they seek to liven up their mundane jobs as groundskeepers at the local park....

8.50 479