In a brief cameo, Lucy persuades Charlie Brown to kick her football by telling him it's a Thanksgiving custom. As usual, Lucy takes the ball away and says that some customs pass away. Charlie Brown...

7.70 509

Since their human owner is wealthy and resides on an island, the Dalmatian family lives alone in a home in London. Said human owner reportedly bears Dodie Smith's name. The house is filled with absurd...

6.00 558

The three main characters of the show are Lucky, the TV-obsessed leader and unorthodox hero, Rolly, the obese, happy, laid-back, and perpetually ravenous brother, and Cadpig, the strange but endearing...

6.10 457

The show centers on the exploits of two unidentified dogs, neither of whom are particularly intellectual, as implied by the title. Compared to the Little Dog, the Big Dog tends to talk a lot less. The...

7.20 438

The three 13-year-old incompetent anthropomorphic dinosaurs Herby, Kirbie, and Burt are the stars of the show and are lauded as heroes for saving Earth from extinction. The television series is set fa...

5.70 444

Jason and Michelle, twin siblings, are in the Pennsylvania Poconos for the summer with their British grandmother. Grandma has a collection of tacky ceramic figurines, with four penguins in a rocket sh...

6.60 427

Crown Princess Aja and Crown Prince Krel of House Tarron, two royal extraterrestrial siblings, flee their home planet of Akiridion-5 during a coup, along with their dog-like pet Luug and their bodygua...

7.70 447

The show centers on Lucy, a 7-year-old girl who lives at 64 Zoo Lane right next to a zoo. She hears a story from the animals every night. Characters include Molly the Hippopotamus, Tickles and Giggles...

6.50 433

Nikki is forced to work at The Khaki Barn, often known as "KB" for short, where she would not shop herself and has contend with three sexually explicit girls. At a sporting goods store, Jen has discov...

7.50 331

Charlie Brown is afraid he won't win any games after his baseball club loses the first contest of the season. One day on the way to school, Lucy makes the facetious suggestion that Harry participate i...

7.30 501

Rex (Johnny Counterfit), a learned Tyrannosaurus rex, and Herb (Tim Conner), a dim-witted, bespectacled Styracosaurus with a gluttonous appetite, co-host the special. The two had both appeared in Will...

8.10 464

Wallace, the cheese-loving inventor, and Gromit, his dog, own a window cleaning company. Wallace is duped by Wendolene Ramsbottom, the owner of a wool store. Preston, her nefarious dog, rustles lambs ...

8.10 452