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In this series, Emily Elizabeth Howard, a spirited young girl, takes center stage alongside her beloved giant red dog, Clifford. Set on Birdwell Island, the show captures their heartwarming adventures...
5.30 431The series explores Clifford's early days as a small red puppy, set two years before Clifford the Big Red Dog. It follows the adventures of Clifford and his owner, Emily Elizabeth, as they navigate th...
6.60 360Set as a prequel to the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs films, the series follows Flint Lockwood and Sam Sparks during their high school years as best friends. Flint is determined to become a succes...
3.30 398Jeremy Belpois, an eighth-grade genius at Kadic Academy, discovers a quantum supercomputer in an abandoned factory nearby. When he activates it, he encounters Aelita, an artificially intelligent girl ...
7.30 319Aelita Schaeffer, Jeremy Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama, and the recently welcomed William Dunbar resume their lives at Kadic Academy a year after the events of the anime's fou...
5.90 368Codename: Kids Next Door follows five enthusiastic yet bumbling ten-year-olds as they unite to fight against the challenges of adulthood and advocate for the joys of childhood. These spirited kids tac...
7.20 406Set in New York City, the story follows the best friends Corduroy, a teddy bear with a childlike personality, and Lisa, a Jamaican-American schoolgirl. Lisa lives in a large, unnamed city with her mot...
7.80 327This animated series chronicles the adventures of Corn and Peg, a blue unicorn and a pink Pegasus who are inseparable best friends and schoolmates since preschool. Inspired by their favorite superhero...
7.70 363Corneil is a brilliant canine who can read and write in perfect English, far surpassing most humans in intelligence. Aware that life as a spoiled pet is preferable, he does everything possible to keep...
6.60 382