The story takes place in the era of the gods, year 300. Yuuna Yuuki lives an ordinary life as a second year middle school student, but she's also a member of the "Hero Club," where club activities inv...

6.46 422

Odin sent Valkyries, famous female warriors from Asgard, the home of the gods, to defend Earth from the demon threat. Nine valkyries posing as the Saotome sisters will have to level up by engaging in ...

5.20 5.90 462

The legendary detective Holmes does not employ deductive reasoning or to solve puzzles. But he does hunt vampires. Vampire Holmes retells the tale of the great Sherlock Holmes and his helper in three-...

2.70 3.29 500

Raul Chaser enrolls in the Hero Training Program to pursue his dream of being a hero and defeating the Demon King. The Hero Training Program, however, is put on hold indefinitely when the Demon King i...

6.40 6.83 507

"Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita," often abbreviated as "Yuushibu," is a comedy and fantasy anime series based on the light novel by Jun Sakyou. The story takes ...

6.40 6.79 390

There are special kinds of "ultimate species" that possess extraordinary strength and magical ability and are thought to be at the pinnacle of power among all the monsters that walk the earth. Because...

6.80 6.97 638

People look to the hero Leo Demonheart to defend them when Demon Queen Echidna starts her invasion of the human realm. Leo easily defeats Echidna's army thanks to his invincible strength, rescuing the...

6.70 7.04 407

The narrative centers on Yuzuko, Yukari, and Yui, three students who join the data processing club at their high school. Even the most routine activities can be made absurdly funny thanks to the three...

6.60 7.36 306

Shen Jianxin, a common young person who works as a security guard for Rye Scent Village, is focused on becoming a legendary hero. He accidentally discovered the palace's ancient secret manuals while p...

6.56 566

Wang Ling is a cool-headed high school student with a carefree attitude. He appears to have a relatively weak spiritual force, but he is actually capable of instantly destroying the entire universe. H...

7.20 7.35 581

Popular manhua written by artist Ocarina is called "Beryl and Sapphire." The mild-mannered Beryl (Green) and the easily humiliated Sapphire are two of the protagonists with the wackiest names in histo...

7.39 506

The life of Kimihiro Watanuki was never particularly regular. In this follow-up to xxxHOLiC, he is still working for Yuuko, the weird shop's eccentric owner, who had promised to take away his ability ...

7.60 8.22 390